Indigenous Minga assures that it will wait for President Iván Duque until Wednesday in Cali – Cali – Colombia


On Monday, a delegation from the National Government arrived in Cali in order to dialogue with the indigenous people.

The idea of ​​staying here until this Wednesday, October 14, has become drunk because they have already received information that President Iván Duque will not come to a meeting with the indigenous people in the capital of Valle. The trip would be advanced from this afternoon.

Ministers, vice ministers and other senior officials of the National Government arrived in Cali on Monday afternoon to meet with the Indigenous Minga from the southwestern part of the country. However, the indigenous people insisted that they want to have a direct debate with President Iván Duque and the table was raised.

The representatives of the native communities rejected that the Head of State was not present at the meeting, so they announced that they will wait for him until Wednesday and if he does not arrive, they continue in their position of mobilizing until they reach the capital of the country.

The Interior Minister, Alicia Arango affirmed that the government has not stopped complying with the agreement and mentioned that they have never stopped listening to the communities.

“It is very important for Colombia to know that this Minga is not a vindictive Minga, it is a political Minga, because the Government has made great efforts to comply with what was agreed during this previous government and government that had not been fulfilled,” said the official .

Government spokespersons also questioned the non-attendance of the leaders of the Cauca Regional Indigenous Council (Cric).

Indigenous leaders say they have not been served by the President. Darío Tote, spokesman for the Coconuco people, specified that the Government is being asked to attend to their requests for Life, Territory and Democracy.

“We want the Government to respond to our requests, that there are no more murders of our leaders, our representatives, our community members, our duty coordinators, authorities. That is what this Minga is about, that they respect our lives ”, repeat the spokesmen of the minga.

On the other hand, with the mayor of Cali, Jorge Iván Ospina and his cabinet an agreement was signed to comply with the biosafety regulations due to the large number of people who arrive and thus the protest can be carried out without risk of contagion of covid-19 .

“We respect demonstrations, cultures, beliefs and above all we respect health, that is why we signed a pact for life with the Indigenous Minga,” said Miyerlandi Torres Agredo, Health Secretary of Cali.

In the People’s Coliseum, water, showers, and other minimum services were installed for the more than 7 thousand indigenous people who are part of the mobilization and who settled in that place during their passage through the capital of Valle del Cauca, so the mayor of the caleños.

The members of the minga have announced that they will wait for President Duque in Cali until next Wednesday, October 14. In these three days, they will develop various activities in various parts of the city.
