increase in the minimum wage in Colombia 2021: workers’ reaction to the wage increase | Economy


Minutes after President Iván Duque set the minimum wage increase at 3.5%, Diógenes Orjuela, President of the Central Unitary of Workers (CUT) rejected the adjustment, which he described as “humiliating”.

(The government set an increase in the minimum wage for 2021).

The union leader noted that “To tell a worker that they increased 1,000 pesos a day is a humiliation” and he added that “we also find the 3.5% increase in the minimum wage humiliating compared to 5.2% of the congressmen”, news that has caused controversy and generated noise in recent days.

For his part, Fabio Arias, a member of the CUT, said that “The 3.5% increase decreed unilaterally by President Iván Duque is miserable. And to announce that now they will earn one million pesos is a deception. The salary will be $ 908,000 and not one million. Thus there will be no economic reactivation and of employment “.

As announced this Tuesday by President Iván Duque, The new minimum wage for 2021 will exceed one million pesos, including the transportation subsidy, which will be $ 106,454.

In total, it will be located at $ 1,014,980 (SMMLV $ 908,526 + transportation assistance $ 106,454).
