In the third week of September, football would return to Colombia


President Duque in his program of ” Prevention and Action ” this friday reported the figure of 8,498 new infections, 299 deaths and a total of 429,620 recovered in Colombia, as a result of COVID-19.

The head of state invited the Minister of Sports, Ernesto Lucena, to his work table, who answered a series of questions to the Colombians regarding physical activities, reopening of gyms, sports training schools and high performance, and reported on the possible date on which professional football would return.

“Now we are modifying Resolution 993 because we have made it more flexible with the Ministry of Health, understanding the difficulty that clubs have experienced these months where the tournament was suspended. That is why we hope that no later than the third week of September the national rented tournament begins without the concentration phase ”, Lucena assured.

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According to the head of the Sports portfolio, the Government will help Colombian Professional Soccer.

“Of course, monitoring the protocols and commitments that they have acquired with the national government, with the increase in players, which was an important issue especially for clubs that have international competitions.”added the minister.

For her part, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Mabel Torres, He referred to the call for the ” Mincienciatón ” and how the project of depressurized chambers is progressing to avoid the contagion of the coronavirus.


” In a call in which more than 26 billion pesos were invested, these depressurized cabins are a response of Colombian talent in which more than 177 researchers, 75 research groups and young researchers have participated ”said Minister Torres.

According to the official, these cabins they will reduce the risk of contagion for health professionals, and at the same time optimize the management of patients with COVID-19.
