In defense of his daughter: Lina Tejeiro’s mother broke her silence


Andy Rivera and Lina Tejeiro are currently trending on social networks due to possible hints released by the artist’s mother through her social networks, in which he hinted that he did not agree with the relationship of his son and the actress.

Likewise, Internet users assured that the model was affected by the statements made by Luz Mery, since hours later he shared some messages of pain and loneliness on their social networks.

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However, this time it was Vibiana Tejeiro the one that enabled the function ‘Ask me a question’To interact with his followers, a moment they took advantage of to question him about what he had said Andy Rivera’s mom, what she thought about him and her daughter’s current state of mind.

Does Andy like you? ” was one of the first questions they asked him, to which he replied: “I like everyone. “

Another question that caught the attention of Internet users was when he answered why the artist’s mother said that Lina should be rehabilitated.

I think that question should not be answered by me. Also, I don’t know“He expressed.

One of the questions that the famous mom had in common was whether they believed in second chances. Previously, Luz said no, and Vibiana answered yes.

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“Total! From the first one was learned and in the second one surely one will not make those mistakes; it is a way of maturing and facing ”, he assured.

Vibiana also took the opportunity to clarify that she has never spoken ill of Andy Rivera ’. He also referred to her daughter’s current emotional state.

We are all somewhat fragile at the moment and they are emotions that come to us and we overcome. The issue of isolation has not been easy. I really miss being able to hug and physically reunite with my children; I know that it also affects them not being able to be with people who surely want by their side“, wrote.

On the other hand, Lina again left her followers an emotional message and this time she was crying.

Loneliness and I don’t get along very well anymore. There are days of days and I have been like this for several days … It’s okay to feel this way, this makes me value my happiness and makes me wonder. I need to connect with me, “he said.

And he ended by thanking his followers for their message. In addition, he assured them that will come back with more energy and attitude.
