“In Colombia there is a hidden Chavismo”: Álvaro Uribe


The former president and former senator said that this political sector has delegates in the country “struggling to take power” and that it is in a “total coincidence” with the left-wing Podemos party of Spain.

With a view to the 2022 presidential elections, former president and former senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez insists on his idea that the “Venezuelan regime has many delegates” in his country “struggling to take power”, and warns of an alleged “harmful interference ”From the Spanish left-wing Podemos party in the region.

(Read: “The JEP is non-derogable”: Santos’ reply to Rodrigo Londoño’s letter)

This was said in an interview with the newspaper El Mundo, from Spain. “In my country there is a hidden Chavismo, which is in total coincidence with (the party) Podemos,” he said. Uribe spoke of the existence of an “underhanded neo-communism” in Colombia and said that the arrival of these “delegates” to the government would do “enormous damage” to democracy and economic and social possibilities.

This as an appetizer to the world of the political fight that is coming in the next two years in the presidential race. This idea of ​​the former senator, today investigated for the alleged crimes of bribery and manipulation of witnesses, makes its way as a strategy in the bid for power in which the argument of the harm of Chavismo is still used, but in Colombia.

(Also read: The wave of violence suffered by Colombia Humana)

Regarding Venezuela, he said that the sanctions imposed by the European Union so far have served “little”, and the “Venezuelan regime seems stabilized” thanks to the “little” oil it has left, gold, remittances, “drug trafficking and repression ”, he commented.

Likewise, he reiterated that “all attempts at dialogue in Venezuela have been useless” and that he always harbored the “hope” that the Armed Forces would remove support for the dictatorial regime of Nicolás Maduro “to defend democracy.” But this “has been thwarted,” he said. “I am pessimistic about any exit and very thoughtful that this dictatorship is stabilizing,” he concluded.

Regarding Bolivia, he pointed out that the exit from power of former President Evo Morales was “more a matter of corruption”, he appreciated that the Bolivian Armed Forces are “jealous of taking care of the Constitution” and that Luis Arce, the country’s new president, has the recognition of having been “a good Minister of Finance.”

He also referred to the administration of former President Juan Manuel Santos. Uribe stressed that Santos was “submissive” to Podemos and that he did not reach a peace agreement with the former FARC guerrillas, “but impunity for some terrorists,” which has led to issues that have generated “a lot of violence (… ) the violence of drug trafficking ”. He added that the government of President Iván Duque must show “stronger leadership” in relation to the country’s security situation.

(It may interest you: Luigi Echeverri’s taunts and his vision of Colombia)

The former president accused the second vice president of the Spanish Government, Pablo Iglesias (leader of Podemos), of playing an “offensive role, of offensive intervention” in Latin American politics, something “very serious”, as he said when asked about his recent trip accompanying the King of Spain to the inauguration of the President of Bolivia.

Finally, regarding the judicial investigation that is being carried out against him, he defended himself and repeated what he has already said on Twitter: that he is hurt because his reputation has been “unfairly affected”. He finally assured that in 22,000 interceptions of his telephone there is not “not a single word” of him that has violated the law.
