In Colombia there are 678 health workers with COVID-19


The National Institute of Health confirmed that in the health institutions of Bogotá it is where most medical personnel are infected, in total there are 259 people. To date, nine people have died, including four doctors, and 287 have recovered.

In Colombia, nine people in the health sector have died from COVID-19. Getty Images

The National Institute of Health, in bulletin number 6, confirmed that in Colombia the number of health personnel infected with COVID-19 amounted to 678Nine of them have died and 287 are already recovered. In addition, he informed that in the institutions of Bogotá it is where more cases appear. (See here all the information about coronavirus)

In the report, the entity showed that nursing assistants It is the profession that has spread the most infections, with 227 cases. The doctors continue with 146 cases; infirmary with 100; administrative staff with 35; Pharmacy and respiratory therapy technician, each with 24.

In the iBogotá Health Institutions it is where more cases of COVID-19 were confirmed. According to the entity, in 28 schools in the capital of the country there has been a case of contagion in health personnel. Cali continues on the list with nine health centers; Antioquia with seven and Cundinamarca with six.

Bogotá also leads the list of the city with the highest number of infections. In total, 259 have been registered, followed by Risaralda with 105 positive health professionals for COVID-19; Antioquia with 73; Cali with 61; Santa Marta with 44; and Huila at 18. (You can read: Newly graduated doctors: from university direct to a pandemic)

Since May 1, no new positive cases of contagion have been confirmed in health personnel. The figure rose to 678, of which 646 are symptomatic and 32 asymptomatic. The institute assured that 324 cases are being studied to clarify the source of infection.

To date, nine people from health personnel have died from COVID-19. There are four doctors, two nursing assistants, two drivers, and one person who was part of the administrative staff. (Also read: How do they discriminate against doctors and nurses in Colombia)

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2020-05-09T14: 56: 27-05: 00


2020-05-09T14: 56: 27-05: 00



– Health writing


In Colombia there are 678 health workers with COVID-19



