“If they are not willing to pay for a bathroom, I cannot imagine how they are responding to the requests of the indigenous people”: District to the Government


The government secretary, Luis Ernesto Gómez, confirmed that, given the refusal of the national government, the District will guarantee the health logistics for the permanence of the indigenous minga in Bogotá.

“We are surprised because Decree 2340 of 2015, on the competences of the Ministry of the Interior with the indigenous mingas, makes it clear that logistical matters such as bathroom batteries are within its competence. If they are not willing to pay for a bathroom, I cannot imagine how they are responding to the requests of the indigenous people, ”said Gómez.

For now, the District is studying three possible places to host the minga, if more than 5,000 arrive they would stay in the Techo Stadium and if fewer arrive, the Plaza de los Artesanos or the El Campin covered coliseum would be enabled.

The official clarified that on several occasions they sought the Ministry of the Interior to coordinate with them the reception of the minga and said that different scenarios were offered from the capital, as well as health brigades to guarantee adequate biosecurity conditions.
