“I am very calm, I am innocent and I have done nothing wrong”: Edwin Congo


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Edwin Congo, a former Colombian soccer player for Real Madrid, said on Tuesday after being released after being detained in the framework of an anti-drug operation and declaring in police offices that he is innocent and has nothing to do with drug trafficking.

“I am very calm because I have not done anything, I do not traffic with cocaine, I do not have cocaine in my house, I am in very good health, I behave very well with people and with everyone I can and today has been one more day of teaching and learning, “he explained in Mega’s” El Chiringuito “program, where he is a collaborator.

After giving an hour’s statement at the police station, the Congo assured that it has no connection to illicit business. “I am innocent, I have done absolutely nothing that has to do with the sale or manufacture of cocaine, there is a logical indication because I am linked to a series of people who are involved there, but from there I have changed my life or done something extraordinary … “

“I am still the same as always, I will have to know how to measure with whom I am and where I want to go,” added the Colombian, who, waiting for him to be called to testify before the judge in a process that “long”, was shown “very calm” because “he owes nothing” to anyone and he only intends “to continue enjoying life as best as possible”.

From his house in Madrid, where he is still confined by the coronavirus pandemic, he explained that this morning he ran early in the morning and when he returned some policemen knocked on his door and asked them to accompany them. Later, they interrogated him and showed him photographs of several people he knows, some of his compatriot with whom he maintains an emerald sales business.

“They told me that it had to do with cocaine trafficking,” he continued, “and I told them not at all. I try to carry out activities to earn a living and I have dedicated myself to one of those people in the photos to do business with emeralds, because It has all its titles and has the possibility of bringing emeralds and gold from Colombia to here. “

“I have tried to generate a life of work through my friend, who is the one who generates that, has the link, and I have always tried to ask that things be done in writing and well,” said the Colombian, who after the interrogation was released and returned to his home.

“The important thing of all is that I am at home and I feel like a person totally free of any problem,” said the former Real Madrid footballer between 2001 and 2002.

He defined himself as a “good person” who always goes face to face with people and who tries to help “everyone” who requests it, and admitted to meeting several of those investigated by those who asked him at the police station, where he stressed that He was treated “phenomenally” by the officers, who were “very respectful” and recommended that he stay away from certain types of people “because it doesn’t suit me.”

Edwin Congo was detained in an anti-drug operation and released, waiting to be called by the judge, sources from the investigation told Efe on Tuesday. At the moment, many details of the operation have not been disclosed, which has resulted in the arrest of ten other people related to cocaine trafficking.

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