Hypothesis of fishermen who rescued a woman in Salgar beach – Barranquilla – Colombia


It was 5:30 in the morning in the middle of a quiet sunrise this Saturday, typical of the Atlantic coastal areas, when Rolando Visbal and his sport fishing partner left for a new hobby day, without imagining the shocking scene they were about to discover.

(Also read: They find a woman floating 3 km from Salgar beach, in Atlántico)

Scene in which Visbal ended up being one of the rescuers of the woman who they found incredibly floating without any object approximately three kilometers from Salgar beach, district of Puerto Colombia.

According to the fisherman, after traveling about 40 minutes in his boat bound for Bocas de Ceniza, they spotted what appeared to be a log, so they immediately turned the boat 20 degrees to the right.

Suddenly, “He took my hand out! The ‘trunk’ moved and to our surprise it raised its hand, it did not scream, but moved, being 50 meters from us. So I activated the rescue chip, I asked for the lifebuoy. We couldn’t get close to the victim, because we could hurt her with the picking spoons, ”the man said in dialogue with EL TIEMPO.

She added that they proceeded to throw the hoop at her and secured her. They circled around her, while you collected the fishing lines so that she could get on the boat.

In the first impression, according to account, everything went through their heads: that if it was a log, even a mermaid and the feeling of fear that invaded them when they confirmed that it was a living person so far from the beach.

With the woman in the boat, more incredulous were left, because they were on the high seas and the rescued person was floating alone in an area 20 to 30 meters deep, wearing shoes, jean, long-sleeved shirt, which continues to generate deep strangeness.

Barranquilla Rescue

This was the location that the app threw at Rolando Visbal.

First words of the woman

Visbal recalled that the victim did not say words instantly, she remained silent until when they took her to shore, but then she told her that she entered the sea on Friday night. After the fact, the fisherman continued visiting her at the Salgar health post.

In that healthcare center, where she remained until she was transferred to a specialized center, he talked to her and gave her versions of what he had done previously to remain in that state, but not before noticing it calmer and in better condition.

“Her version is that she went swimming, she threw herself into the sea to swim. It is very difficult to believe all this that is happening ”, confessed Visbal.

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Fishermen hypothesis

Rolando Visbal says that most of his 56 years of life have been dedicated to the sea and serving as a rescuer. In fact, it indicates that it inaugurated the security and surveillance plan on the Atlantic beaches in 1993.

And precisely making use of her experience, she expressed that it is “inconceivable” that the woman has come swimming three kilometers from the beach. “She has to be a good swimmer, the currents are dragging you there… And with shoes, with jean. At 50 meters she would have drowned ”.

For Visbal, the version of the woman is not correct and, after consulting with colleagues, yacht captains in Barranquilla and friends who know the sea, came to a conclusion.

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“They threw her out of a boat or boat, the current from Bocas de Ceniza brought her down here or she jumped to save her life because of a problem she had,” said the rescue fisherman.

Finally, Rolando Visbal stressed that at the health post, the citizen was very grateful to him. He commended her to God and asks for her speedy improvement.

Deivis López Ortega
EL TIEMPO correspondent
On twitter: @DeJhoLopez
Write me at [email protected]
