How will Uber go to work in Colombia in the middle of the quarantine?


With a new form of transportation called “Essential Uber”, the company will use the vehicles of owners who have permission to leave during the decreed health emergency to prevent the expansion of COVID-19; according to Blu Radio, The ‘app’ will start working again from this Friday at 9 in the morning.

In the new Uber method they can sign up to work, according to the station, the cars of people who are within the exceptions of the Government decree; that is, manufacturers of furniture and vehicles, bookstores, stationeries and trade in construction materials, among others.

“If I am part of a manufacturing exception, I can submit that request to Uber and load my authorization letter in the car to be able to transport these people who are among the sectors authorized under the decree,” said the journalist.


The Ministry of Transport It did not take long for Uber’s announcement, which it described as 100% illegal, since, according to the portfolio quoted by the media, this service is classified as unauthorized private transport and, in addition, in the midst of the situation, the decree of extension of the national quarantine already clearly states that the “public land transport service” is guaranteed so that Colombians can mobilize, so the company’s reason for going out to the streets of “aiding mobility” would fall.

“That awful. They are very creative and bold. They see a little light and open the window. Of course, this sounds like an illegality, because it is taking sectors that are excepted and enabling them as drivers, only they are excepted to fulfill a function. The man who makes furniture is empowered to make furniture, not to drive Uber, ”said Néstor Morales on the station.


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The information was confirmed by the Ministry of Health of Medellin, which He asked those who had the test and had negative results to remain confined to their homes, u00a0said Blu Radio.


According to the station, there are 7 people in Medellin, one in Envigado and the other in Copacabana who had coronaviruses and some time after the tests came out negative, the station said. However, They reported symptoms again and in a second analysis, adds the medium, it was confirmed that they again have the virus.


This is known as a regrowth, which has already been seen in several countries around the world, and which confirms that having COVID-19 does not make you immune to the virus.



The 9 cases are the first known, in the country, of recurrence of coronavirus in patients who had already been infected, It signals the radio frequency, so it is under u201d special study u201d.


Recently, the capital of Antioquia has reported an increase in infections, which is why the mayor of the city, Daniel Quintero, ordered u00f3 visitors from other departments to enter mandatory quarantine.


Colombia u00a0already exceeds 13,000 cases of COVID-19.



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He shoots me, I shoot him, [u2026] So it hurts u201d, added Liendra u2019, while Andy tells him that for that he had to prepare a little, because he has not devoted himself to improvisation.


Even so, the interpreter ended up taking a risk and in his first verse even made fun of the u2018influencer u2019 physicist u2019. In response, he received a silver-related rhyme from his wallet.


So they continued until, due to an improvisation by the u2018influencer u2019, Andy gave him for asking a question to u2018la Liendra u2019 related to his girlfriend and, then, the latter said: u201cYou are not very single, my child u201d.



Andy did not want to let him u2018echa dirt u2018 and, then, he replied to u2018la Liendra u2019 that he better make his comments rhyming. It was there that the famous digital ended up referring to to the actress with whom it has been speculated for weeks the singer returned, but without giving your last name, Tejeiro.


I file the nails with Lina. S u00ed, s u00ed, s u00ed, I keep improvising, here I keep rhyming. You know that you have a relationship u20f3n u201d, you cant u00f3 u2018la Liendra u2019, and it is not the first that in a u2018live u2019 ballots Andy with the famous; before Jessi Uribe did it.


What happened was replicated by a public Instagram account that uploads videos and photos of celebrities. Here we leave that publication; it has three cuts and the third is where Lina is mentioned. (To see them all, click on the arrows or slide).














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La Liendra indirectly sent Andy Rivera about his relationship with Lina Tejeiro ud83e udd2f. . . . #rechismesandyrivera #andyrivera #andyriverafans #linatejeiro #laliendra #laliendraa #rechismes


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Among the domicile applications that are involved in the entity's process are also Uber Eats, Ifood and, companies that during the celebration of the Mother's Day registered problems due to the number of orders they registered at the same time, which caused their platforms to collapseAll because of the confinement of users due to the coronavirus pandemic and the impossibility of going out to buy products on the street.


In the first step of the investigation, according to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce in a statement, the applications were asked information on the maximum number of requests for addresses that they plan to receive during the day of last Sunday, May 10, as well as the delivery process, including times.


u201cThe way in which consumers were informed in real time of the modifications to the promised delivery times, as well as the established procedure so that consumers could exercise their rights of withdrawal and the reversal of payment u201d, he highlighted. The authority.



The superintendency noted that they also asked the companies the support on the process that was given to all the requests, complaints and claims made by consumers during that day, in order to show whether or not their rights were violated.


The fine that these applications could be earned, if the entity confirms that the rights of consumers were violated with misleading or insufficient information, lack of quality and suitability of goods and services, ignorance of the Rights of withdrawal and reversal of payment or other infringement, It could reach up to 2,000 Current Minimum Monthly Legal Wages (SMMLV), that is, approximately 1,755 million pesos.


fins up to 1,000 SMMLV could be imposed in case of failure to respond in full and in full to the request made by this authority, u00f1adi u00f3 the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce.

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The recording shows that, first, the u2018influencer u2019 (who recently lost a fight with Nicol u00e1s Arrieta) was singing u2018a capella u2019 one of her songs, but she and her two friends later decided to do the u2018Rebelde u2019.


Later it enters the scene Pipe, who was bothered by his new hair color that it was Giovanni from RBD, and it was at that point that there was a first spike with his girlfriend, on her initiative.


However, later on, the character was changed to Pipe and it became Miguel, while Luisa is doing Shit, at the instruction of one of his companions.



The popular music performer got into the story so much that He ended up grabbing his girlfriend by the neck and giving her a passionate kiss..


The artist's emotion was so great that ended the kiss by giving her love a lick u00a0 u2014who is expecting a child from him u2014, as you can in a public account that usually u2018 reposts u2019 famous images.


Here we leave that publication that has three pieces of the video of the couple's home reunion with two friends: the first is from some of them reviewing the RBD lyrics of u2018Fuego u2019 and u2018Futuro exnovio u2019, a topic that Luisa said not to know, and ends with her singing her song u2018As u00ed soy yo u2019; in the second, the u2018influencer u2019 comes out interpreting part of the same theme and then they do the u2018Rebelde u2019's phonetics; and the third is the passionate kiss. (To see them all you have to slide or click on the arrows).














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Luisa Fernanda W surprised her fans by singing En Vivo ud83c udfa4. . The influencer confessed u0301 that she only knows how to sing her three songs, but in the broadcast u0301n I avoid u0301 singing u201cMy Gift u201d ud83e udd14. . Another detail that caught the attention of the spectators was that Pipe Bueno could not stand it and gave him red-hot signs of love ud83d ude05. . . #rechismesluisafernandaw #luisafernandaw #luisafernandawypipebueno #luisafernandawfans #pipebueno #daniduke #medellin #colombia #rechismes


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The reproachable act of C u00e1rcamo Zea took place at the El Dorado airport, in Bogot u00e1, in the middle of last March, when the mask was removed (just the country was beginning to face the crisis caused by the coronavirus ) and coughed the airline employee in the face.


Céoca Zea excused his reprehensible action on the pretext that he was tired and desperate because of the long wait he endured at the air terminal.


But that was not a sufficient or reasonable argument for the authority before which a process of conciliation was established in the last few hours between Cécusa Zea and the hostess victim.



For his conduct, which was censored by the entire country after it went viral. the video that recorded the moment, C u00e1rcamo Zea must pay the surcharge 15 million pesos, Darcy Quinn reported on Caracol Radio.


But that is not all. The anesthesiologist must also give the stewardess a private excuse, the journalist added, and, in addition, she also has to provide a social service, although she does not specify which one.


And, as if it were not that it was a sanction with anesthesia, Quinn added that copies of the agreement between C u00e1rcamo Zea and the stewardess were sent to the Tribunal of Ethical Medicine, u201c it is not known if It will allow him to continue exercising his profession, the journalist estimated.


Quinn also came to an interesting conclusion that all should consider: u201cThis also proves that there is consequence for these acts. Those things do not happen through life so no more and nothing happens. No, sir. Pas u00f3 u201d.

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El hombre le confesu00f3 a Juliana Granada, profesional de la salud que le hace seguimiento mu00e9dico, que sale a la calle e incluso tiene contacto con mu00e1s personas, contu00f3 ella en Semana.


u201cYo no entiendo para quu00e9 me joden, si yo no siento nada.u00a0Pau2019 quu00e9 cuarentena, si yo no siento nada. Yo he estado saliendo a donde mi familia, mis amigos y a hacer deporteu201d, le respondiu00f3 el paciente a la mu00e9dica, en una de las consultas telefu00f3nicas.


Ante esa cu00ednica respuesta, la medica relata en la revista que le pidiu00f3 al contagiado el contacto de las personas con las que se reuniu00f3 y, aunque de mala gana, u00e9l se comprometiu00f3 en conseguirlo y du00e1rselo mu00e1s tarde.


Asu00ed fue que Granada lo llamu00f3 6 horas despuu00e9s, de acuerdo con el medio, y escuchu00f3 mu00fasica a todo volumen, por lo que le pidiu00f3 al paciente que le bajara para que la pudiera escuchar. u201cClaro, bu00e1jele, bu00e1jeleu201d, le dijo el hombre a alguien mu00e1s, segu00fan la mu00e9dica.


La profesional le solicitu00f3 la informaciu00f3n de las personas con las que estuvo, narru00f3 la galena a Semana, pero este dijo que no la habu00eda conseguido.


Ante la irresponsable actitud del paciente, Granada le informu00f3 que iba a notificarle a la EPS y a la Secretaru00eda de Salud de los incumplimientos que u00e9l habu00eda cometido, pero le dio poca importancia.



Para la mu00e9dica es frustrante intentar cuidar a las personas, y que sean ellas mismas las que no son consiente de los peligros a los que se expone, y a los que expone a los demu00e1s, dijo en el medio.


Segu00fan ella, la gente au00fan no dimensiona los alcances que estu00e1 enfermedad puede tener, y no acatan las medidas o lo hacen de manera parcial.


However, estas irresponsables actitudes son sancionadas por las autoridades.u00a0

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Carlos Antonio Vu00e9lez dijo en u2018Planeta fu00fatbolu2019, programa de la emisora Antena 2, que el entrenador portuguu00e9s se equivoca al ingresar a la prensa debido a que sus labores se tendru00edan que limitar al combinado nacional.


u201cEs un error, u00e9l es director tu00e9cnico de la selecciu00f3n colombiana y como tal, deberu00eda dedicarse u00fanica y exclusivamente a esos menesteres. Todos los que hicieron cosas semejantes terminaron estrellados y fracasadosu201d, opinu00f3 inicialmente.



n n Carlos Queirozn n



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Falta de fu00fatbol deju00f3 a Carlos Queiroz con nuevo trabajo en periu00f3dico colombiano



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Luego, sustentu00f3 su postura seu00f1alando que por su cargo, el lusitano tendru00eda que tener una posiciu00f3n neutral: u201cQueiroz estu00e1 por encima de los medios, no es periodistau2026 Y esto no es un tema mu00edo contra El Espectador; es simplemente advertir que no es sano, ni prudente, que el tu00e9cnico de la selecciu00f3n nacional estu00e9 comprometido con un mediou201d.


Y aunque el entrenador tendru00e1 solo 2 columnas por semana, Vu00e9lez anticipu00f3 que esto le podru00eda jugar en contra: u201cu00c9l no estu00e1 para ese tipo de menesteresu2026 Espero que esto no se le vaya a volver un u2018boomerangu2019 que du00e9 la vuelta y se le estrelle en la frenteu201d.


El primer escrito del estratega portuguu00e9s apareceru00e1 en las pu00e1ginas del diario en cuestiu00f3n este domingo 17 de mayo.

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u201cEslovenia tiene hoy el mejor cuadro epidemiolu00f3gico en Europa, lo que hace posible poner fin a la epidemiau201d, dijo el primer ministro conservador Janez Jansa, segu00fan la agencia de noticias eslovena STA.


En la pequeu00f1a repu00fablica de dos millones de habitantes -fronteriza con Italia, Austria, Hungru00eda y Croacia- se detectu00f3 a principios de marzo el primer caso de la enfermedad, que ha causado 103 fallecidos, y en la actualidad hay 1464 casos.


Segu00fan el ministerio de la Sanidad, en los u00faltimos 14 du00edas hubo solo 35 nuevos contagiados y el nu00famero reproductivo del coronavirus es menor a uno.



Until now, EU citizens have been required to go through quarantine, a measure that is still required of citizens from outside the community bloc.


u201cPersonas que entran en el pau00eds y tienen residencia permanente o temporal en Eslovenia o en algu00fan otro pau00eds de la UE, y no estuvieron fuera del espacio de la UE mu00e1s de 14 du00edas, solo se les daru00e1 en la frontera advertencias sobre las medidas epidemiolu00f3gicas contra la propagaciu00f3n del coronavirusu201d, informu00f3 el gobierno.


Solo se niega la entrada a aquellos ciudadanos de la UE que tienen claros su00edntomas o se declaran ellos mismo enfermos de la COVID-19.


El fin de las medidas legislativas excepcionales por la epidemia no impiden que se sigan aplicando medidas de prevenciu00f3n, como mantener la distancia de seguridad y llevar mascarilla en espacios cerrados, debido al riesgo de rebrote.u00a0


Con este anuncio, segu00fan Euronews, ya no se extenderu00e1n las ayudas econu00f3micas a los ciudadanos hasta que termine junio, sino que iru00e1n hasta finales de mayo.

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La mujer fue detenida por su desesperada acciu00f3n, al no tener con quiu00e9n dejar a sus dos pequeu00f1osu00a0y con la necesidad de salir a buscar comida para ellos durante la pandemia de COVID-19, informu00f3 Caracol Radio.u00a0u00a0


Fueron los vecinos del barrio Juan XXIII, en esa ciudad, los que dieron aviso a las autoridades para que rescataran al niu00f1o de 2 au00f1os y a una bebu00e9 de 6 meses, au00f1adiu00f3 el portal Hoy Diario del Magdalena.u00a0u00a0



Al llegar a la vivienda para verificar la denuncia, la Policu00eda de Infancia y Adolescencia determinu00f3 que los dos pequeu00f1os estaban siendo maltratados por su mamu00e1, por lo cual entregu00f3 la custodia total al ICBF, indicu00f3 el medio local.u00a0


Sobre este hecho se pronunciu00f3 el coronel u00d3scar Solarte, comandante de la Policu00eda Metropolitana de Santa Marta, quien hizo un llamado a la comunidad para denunciar y asu00ed poner fin a la violencia contra los menores.u00a0u00a0


u201cQueremos invitar a la ciudadanu00eda a evitar cualquier hecho de maltrato infantil por medio de la denuncia, con el fin que nuestros niu00f1os, niu00f1as y adolescentes posean calidad de vidau201d, apuntu00f3 Solarte, en declaraciones recogidas por el sitio samario.u00a0

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El propu00f3sito de Estados Unidos es limitar la fabricaciu00f3n de semiconductores en el extranjero con tecnologu00eda estadounidense.


u201cEste anuncio bloquea los esfuerzos de Huawei para eludir los controles de exportaciu00f3n de Estados Unidosu201d, dijo el Departamento de Comercio en un comunicado.


El texto agregu00f3 que pondru00eda el foco u201cespecu00edfica y estratu00e9gicamente en la adquisiciu00f3n de semiconductores por parte de Huawei que sean producto directo de ciertos programas informu00e1ticos y tecnologu00edas estadounidensesu201d.



La empresa china de tecnologu00eda especializada en telecomunicaciones ha estado bajo extrema presiu00f3n de Washington, que con su cabildeo ha conseguido que aliados en todo el mundo eviten los equipos desarrollados por Huawei en nombre de la seguridad, en un contexto de guerra comercial entre China y Estados Unidos.


La Casa Blanca anunciu00f3 el au00f1o pasado que incluyu00f3 a Huawei en una lista negra que le impide tanto comprar componentes clave como operar en el mercado estadounidense, aunque ha ordenado una serie de pru00f3rrogas para permitir a empresas de Estados Unidos que trabajan con Huawei que se puedan ajustar a esa prohibiciu00f3n.


Este viernes la pru00f3rroga se extendiu00f3 por otros 90 du00edas.


El Departamento de Comercio dijo que desde que Huawei entru00f3 en la lista negra en 2019, la compau00f1u00edas de Estados Unidos que desean exportar componentes deben obtener una licencia del gobierno.


Huawei, sin embargo, siguiu00f3 utilizando software y tecnologu00eda para diseu00f1ar semiconductores tercerizando la producciu00f3n en plantas fuera de Estados Unidos, donde se utilizan asimismo equipos de fabricaciu00f3n estadounidense, agregu00f3 el Departamento de Comercio.


Para el secretario de Comercio, Wilbur Ross, la triangulaciu00f3n a la que recurre Huawei para eludir las restricciones es inaceptable.


u201cAsu00ed no es como se comporta un ciudadano corporativo global responsableu201d, dijo.

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Con una nueva modalidad de transporte llamada u201cUber Esencialu201d, la compau00f1u00eda usaru00e1 los vehu00edculos de los propietarios que tengan permiso para salir durante la emergencia sanitaria decretada para evitar la expansiu00f3n del COVID-19; de acuerdo con Blu Radio, la u2018appu2019 empezaru00e1 a funcionar nuevamente a partir de este viernes a las 9 de la mau00f1ana.


En el nuevo mu00e9todo de Uber se pueden inscribir para trabajar, segu00fan la emisora, los carros de las personas que estu00e1n dentro de las excepciones del decreto del Gobierno; es decir, fabricantes de muebles y vehu00edculos, libreru00edas, papeleru00edas y comercio de materiales de construcciu00f3n, entre otros.


u201cSi yo hago parte de una excepciu00f3n de la manufactura puedo presentar esa solicitud ante Uber y cargar mi carta de autorizaciu00f3n en el carro para poder transportar a estas personas que estu00e1n entre los sectores habilitados dentro del decretou201d, indicu00f3 el periodista del medio.



El Ministerio de Transporte no tardu00f3 en salirle al paso al anunciu00f3 de Uber, que calificu00f3 como 100 % ilegal, ya que, segu00fan la cartera citada por el medio, este servicio es catalogado como transporte privado no autorizado y, ademu00e1s, en medio de la coyuntura el decreto de extensiu00f3n de la cuarentena nacional ya dice claramente que estu00e1 u201cgarantizado el servicio de transporte pu00fablico terrestreu201d para que los colombianos se puedan movilizar, por lo que el motivo de la empresa para salir a las calles de u201cayudar a la movilidadu201d se caeru00eda.


u201cQuu00e9 barbaridad. Son muy creativos y audaces. Ven una lucecita y abren la ventana. Por supuesto, esto suena a una ilegalidad, porque es coger a sectores que estu00e1n exceptuados y habilitarlos como conductores, solo que estu00e1n exceptuados para cumplir una funciu00f3n. El seu00f1or que hace muebles, estu00e1 habilitado para hacer muebles, no para manejar Uberu201d, indicu00f3 Nu00e9stor Morales en la emisora.

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