How was the return flight of 247 Colombians from New York


Before leaving New York, the passenger captured some images of the loneliness at Jhon F. Kennedy airport, one of the most important in the world.

Immediately, already inside the plane, it is evident that the passengers could not maintain the distance because the quota was 100%. Upon arrival, the emotion of the majority was evident.

On the night of this Friday, when they landed at the El Dorado airport in Bogotá, personnel from the Ministry of Health received the 247 Colombians, but the sanitary and security measures were very high. In addition, in the recording you can hear the warnings of the authorities so that these compatriots remain in quarantine for two weeks, locked in a room.

Otherwise, they warned, they will be subjected to justice and even pay several years in prison.

Colombians return to Colombia through Bogotá's El Dorado airport during the COVID-19 pandemic

Colombia Migration, the National Police or the District Health Secretariat will be in charge of monitoring the mandatory compliance of the confinement.

However, the Foreign Ministry detailed that, although it was a humanitarian flight arranged with Avianca, the newcomers had to bear the expense of the air ticket.


It must be remembered that in the video that went viral on the internet, Indira detailed that she owes about 6 million pesos and commented: I have had enough of so much robbery. Here we receive nothing from the Government. The drop by drop live on us. We have to pay, but where is the money paid from u201d.


This is the video that is still viral and shows not only the despair of this woman in Choc u00f3, but in other parts of Colombia:




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C u00f3rdoba, who has participated in some national productions, He emphasized on his different social networks that about 3 u2019875,000 pesos were deducted from his bank account, despite the fact that the electronic payment was never made.


u201cIn the midst of a COVID-19 health emergency, this money is required by my family, as they need it. But it does not appear anywhere and the bank has not given me a single answer about it, added the actor on his Instagram account.


Even though they initially told you that the transaction might take a couple of days, The Colombian artist pointed out in a dialogue with City TV that the silver never reached the recipient's account.



The actor finally stated in the news that he already filed the formal complaint with the corresponding control agencies and that he expects the bank to answer to him, with interest included, for the disappearance of his money.


The financial institution, on the other hand, He indicated in this same media that he already communicated with C u00f3rdoba and that they are trying to solve his case.. Likewise, he assured that this situation is being reported in all banks due to the great demand that there is at present for digital transfers.


Ac u00e1, the complaint:





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According to Week, the government of the president Iv u00e1n Duque will end up spending around 100 trillion pesos (10% of the Gross Domestic Product) attending to the crisis which has brought the coronavirus pandemic to the country, including the tail of the disease in all economic sectors.


Of all this money, 27 trillion pesos will correspond to the resources that are being allocated to the immediate aid included in the Emergency Mitigation Fund (FOME), money that the Government is taking from the savings of the regions in the Fonpet and the Savings and Stabilization Fund to support, through credits, the Colombians who need it most at the moment , added the magazine.


Another 40 trillion pesos will be spent by the Government in the capitalization of the National Guarantee Fund, which, according to the media, guarantee throughout the emergency 90% of the value of the credits that the entire business sector of the country acquires through the financial system (banks).



Semana also added that the remaining 30 trillion pesos of silver to be spent by the Government in response to the crisis by COVID-19, will be represented in macroeconomic measures, such as the liquidity measures that the Banco de la República is implementing for different operations in the stock market, such as the acquisition of debt securities.


It is worth remembering that Luis Fernando Mej u00eda, director of Fedesarrollo, warned several weeks ago in El Tiempo that if the national quarantine to prevent the spread of the virus lasted for more than a month, which is over, The cost to the country will be in the range of 94 trillion pesos to 125 trillion pesos, a cost that does not include the losses of millions of jobs.


u201cThe recovery period of the economy is directly proportional to the duration of the quarantine. In other words, if the insulation lasts for a month, it will take at least an additional month to recover, indicated better on the press.

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So you read in the recent column of the communicator In week, where he dedicated other strong phrases to the vice president for having told Colombians in Caracol News: u201c It is not being attentive to see what the Government does for each one of us u201d, in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.


It is more, apart from associating the u201catenidos u201d with the rescue of the airline, D u00e1vila did it with the banks and their emporiums, because textually it manifested u00f3 in the middle: u00a0


u201cI don't know if the vice president is able to qualify with the same indifference the most powerful people who are also seeking help after the pandemic. I hope that you have the word u2018atenidos u2019 ready to support a no when asked about the rescue of the Panamanian Avianca or about the gabelas to the banks, whose owners he knows very well. I do not know if he also believes that they are u2018attended u2019 the broken builders or the industrialists who in any case have badly hit their emporiums u201d. U00a0



The journalist He also criticized in his text the "watered down excuses" that he offered after Ram u00edrez, whom she believes are now being portrayed as an "inhuman leader who does not understand the suffering of the most vulnerable," who is "part of u201c little political empathy u201d u201d, and who is u00e1 u201cpulping u201d his presidential aspirations.


And is that in your apologies, the vice president suggested that her phrase had been misinterpreted. u201cWhen I said u2018atenidos u2019 I did it in a context in which I expressed the need for each of us to act responsibly, from solidarity, protecting itself and working as a team to get ahead of this crisis. If someone was offended I made excuses, it was what trin u00f3.


Still, D u00e1vila insisted on telling him that his phrase had been u201cclasista u201d, u201a vanity-laden slap that comes from someone who's had it all u201d, and even wondered if the vice president is aware of the tragedy experienced by those who do not have what to eat, who have become unemployed or are losing their businesses.


As if she were the owner of public money and not the people who pay taxes. As if government aid in times of pandemic were alms and not an obligation of the state. As if the citizens were in their houses by their own decision and not by order of the Government that she represents. What Ram u00edrez did is defenseless and reprehensible. [u2026] Insults them [a los ciudadanos] In the face of their pain and with a rancid command voice, he urges them to work, as if they were some zen who do not have the will to work, the communicator pointed out in the magazine. u00a0 u00a0

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u201cWe are serving quarantine, only we go out to buy the market. Is that the car is from my dad and he works on it u201d said the driver, in a video broadcast by City TV. u00a0


Both the man behind the wheel and his co-pilot were questioned by the police u00a0y and seeing that they did not have press accreditation, and the car was neither of the two, he put them a deserved fine of 438,900 pesos and the vehicle immobilized them, added the newscast. u00a0



According to the newsletter, More than 6,800 summons have been placed for violating the decree that since March 20 allows the mobilization of essential workers, including members of the press. u00a0 u00a0


This case does not seem to be the only one of its kind, since authorities report that many people have supplanted other work activities to be able to leave their houses in the middle of the mandatory confinement for the coronavirus pandemic. u00a0 u00a0


u201cWe have seen supplantation of tasks such as press, domiciliary and those who use false or not allowed logos of companies that are exempt u201d, Colonel Gustavo Blanco, operational commander of the Bogot u00e1 Transit Police, concluded on that channel. u00a0

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Due to the diagnosis, the authorities had to evacuate several offices from the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police and some uniformed personnel were isolated after learning of the coronavirus case.


According to City News, the infected person is a mayor of the institution and now it must be established how many uniformed people have to be isolated to prevent further contagion in their homes.



n n Claudia Lu00f3pez con megu00e1fono n n



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The infected uniform remained in the General Police Command, on 6th street with Caracas Avenue, whose offices were vacated.


According to the same newscast, at this moment the health authorities are advancing in the investigation of the epidemiological route and it was confirmed that this is the first case in the institution. According to the Police, they are now going to test several uniformed men to avoid further contagion.


After learning of the new case, the commander of the Metropolitan Police of Bogot u00e1, General u00d3scar G u00f3mez, explained to Noticias Caracol how was the evacuation and the alert in the institution:


We want to report that what we wanted was to isolate our personnel to avoid further contagion, after the ambulance has arrived, the people who know how to manipulate. And that was really the action that was carried out the night before, General G u00f3mez said.


In addition, he reported that the uniformed man diagnosed with COVID-19 was transferred to the Central Police Hospital.

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He did so in an editorial that is gaining strength on the Internet because it accounts for some of the illegal activities that the Army has carried out with journalists and opponents of the Colombian Government.


New York Times mentions, citing The Wall Street Journal newspaper, that America's tools included audio devices and various equipment. In addition, the same members of the intelligence unit of the National Army helped themselves with money from the United States.


The criticism of that medium is also focused on questioning why the same money from the United States, which is destined as aid to Colombia, was used to spy on American journalists, specifically to Nicholas Casey of The New York Times, that a year ago revealed the order of the Army Commander to revive u2018 the false positives u2019 in the country; and Mr. Casey, reporter for The Wall Street Journal.


It is especially irritating that the resources provided by the United States to combat drug trafficking to the United States were used to spy on American journalists. The Pentagon also needs to address how it oversees its aid, NYT questions in its editorial.


Likewise, he questions the credibility of President Iv u00e1n Duque, who, he claims, during his campaign to reach the Casa de Nari u00f1o went against the peace process because he thought that he was too soft on the rebels.


It was (Duque) who named General MartÃnez Martinez Espinel as commander of the army last year due to opposition from groups such as Human Rights Watch. From 2002 to 2008, nearly 5,000 civilians or guerrillas were killed outside of combat, according to the United Nations, NYT says.


The text also qualifies as something sad, but not surprising, that the Colombian Army has used those surveillance teams from the United States, which were delivered to fight the guerrillas and drug traffickers, to spy not only on journalists. , but also political opponents and public figures, as denounced by Semana magazine.



n n Militares marchando n n



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They could be extradited to the United States. the military involved in spying on journalists?



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The editorial, signed by the same newspaper, affirms that Colombia's status as one of the main allies of the United States in the region is at stake and demands that, for its own good and that of its In the future, u201cColombia needs to ensure that its Army is governed by strict rules of behavior u201d.


u201cColombia necesita abordar no solo los malos manejos en sus Fuerzas Armadas cuando se denuncien, sino la cultura del abuso y la sensaciu00f3n de estar por encima de la ley que sigue infectando al Eju00e9rcito. Tiene poco sentido denunciar las violaciones de los derechos humanos y al mismo tiempo nombrar a un oficial con la historia del general (Nicacio) Martu00ednez Espinel para dirigir el Eju00e9rcitou201d, sentencia el New York Times.


Finalmente, el prestigioso medio estadounidense asegura que la lucha contra los rebeldes no puede ser un regreso a las guerras civiles que asolaron a Colombia durante medio siglo.


u201cEso es algo que el presidente Duque, y su principal aliado extranjero, deberu00eda dejar en clarou201d, concluye.

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Eso publicu00f3 en su cuenta de Instagram, donde aseguru00f3 que siempre estaru00e1 dispuesta a seguir u201cu00a1hablando por los que no tienen voz ud83dudc3e!u201d.


Asimismo, aclaru00f3 que su labor la hizo u201ccon las debidas medidas de seguridadu201d requeridas durante la crisis por el coronavirus.


u201cDespuu00e9s de mu00e1s de 45 du00edas en mi casa. u00a1Hoy salu00ed como voluntaria a seguir apoyando esta causa que cada vez amo mu00e1s! u00a1Gracias a mi amiga @edithvaron por estar tan comprometida con esta labor tan bonita u2764ufe0f!u201d, expresu00f3.



Su mensaje lo acompau00f1u00f3 la artista con varias fotos de ella con los caninos que estu00e1 ayudando, entre ellos el u201cbello Thoru201d (segunda foto del carrusel), u201cel perrito que fue vu00edctima de un acto atroz por parte de un u2018humanou2019u201d, dijo Carmen.


A continuaciu00f3n, dejamos la publicaciu00f3n de la famosa (para ver todas las fotos hay que deslizar o dar clic en las flechas que salen sobre las postales), y luego algunos de los comentarios en los que elogiaron su buena obra.


u201cTremenda acciu00f3n de tu parteu201d, u201cgracias por ayudar a los que no tienen vozu201d y u201cquu00e9 lindo es ver a Thor recuperado y con personas que lo aman y lo cuidan. Tu00fa siempre ayudando a los animalitosu201d, fueron algunos de los mensajes.














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Cada vez que pueda seguiru00e9 hablando por los que no tienen vozud83dudc3e!!! Despuu00e9s de mu00e1s de 45 du00edas en mi casa y con las debidas medidas de seguiridad hoy salu00ed como voluntaria a seguir apoyando esta causa que cada vez amo mu00e1s! Gracias a mi amiga @edithvaron por estar tan comprometida con esta labor tan bonita u2764ufe0f!!! En la segunda foto veru00e1n al bello Thor, el perrito que fue vu00edctima de un acto atroz por parte de un "humano" Ojalu00e1 pudiu00e9ramos ayudar a todos los perritos y gatitos victimas de maltrato o en condicion de calle ud83dude4cud83cudffc! Creo que ese es el sueu00f1o mu00e1s grande de los que colaboramos en esta misiones u2764ufe0fu2764ufe0fu2764ufe0f Gracias @fundacionmiultimapulga @fundacionbullscolombia @lauramantilla1316 @sebastiancaicedo @lilianasalazar1119 @wilsongarcia.f


A post shared by CARMEN VILLALOBOS (@cvillaloboss) on





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u201cHoy vamos a instalar las zonas de cuidado especial; venimos a informarles a los vecinos que se tienen que cuidar muy especialmenteu201d, manifestu00f3 lau00a0mandataria, que publicu00f3 un video en Twitter caminando por el barrio Marsella, dando las recomendaciones pertinentes para los residentes de esa zona delu00a0suroccidenteu00a0de la capital.u00a0


Au00f1adiu00f3 que la administraciu00f3n local se articularu00e1 con las autoridades para proteger a las personas que se vean obligadas a salir a la calle. u201cVamos a tener puestos de informaciu00f3n y control. Tenemos el apoyo de la fuerza pu00fablica que nos va a ayudar a hacer vigilancia, pedagogu00eda y desinfecciu00f3n en muchos lugares pu00fablicosu201d, apuntu00f3 Lu00f3pez.u00a0



De igual forma, mencionu00f3 que la prioridad del Distrito seru00e1 para la poblaciu00f3n mu00e1s vulnerable, que presenta muchas dificultades a causa de la cuarentena por la pandemia de COVID-19. u201cVamos a estar con atenciu00f3n mu00e9dica y tambiu00e9nu00a0con atenciu00f3n en alimentaciu00f3n, porque hay gente que para quedarse en casa necesita que le demos algou201d, dijo la mandataria.u00a0


Este viernes la alcaldesa de la capital seu00f1alu00f3, en una rueda de prensa virtual, que esa localidad de Bogotu00e1 es la mu00e1s afectada por el coronavirus, pero ya no por la cantidad de contagios, sino porque la pandemiau00a0circulau00a0libremente allu00ed.u00a0


u201cHay unas zonas de Kennedy, dentro de Kennedy, que deben entrar en alerta naranja, porque tenemosu00a0informaciu00f3n epidemiolu00f3gica confirmada que hay mayor circulaciu00f3n del virus en ciertos barrios y zonas, y esas zonas suben su nivel de riesgou201d,u00a0indicu00f3.u00a0


Segu00fan el mu00e1s reciente informe del Gobierno, Kennedy tiene 617 casos de coronavirus, de los mu00e1s de 3.000 que se registran en la capital, seguido de Suba, con 383, y Engativu00e1, con 319.u00a0



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El aplazamiento estu00e1 relacionado no solo con la crisis por el COVID-19, sino con el inesperado embarazo de la ex Miss Colombia y exparticipante de u2018Masterchefu2019, que fue confirmado este viernes en las cuentas de Instagram de la pareja.


u201cu00a1He contado con suerte; me estoy salvando! Cada que lo programamos [el matrimonio], se pospone por varias situaciones. Si no es el bebu00e9, es ahorita the coronavirusu201d, manifestu00f3 con risas el jugador en el informativo, pero luego reafirmu00f3 su compromiso con Andrea: u201cSeguro nos vamos a casar; eso estu00e1 seguro; estu00e1 entre los planesu201d.



En la conversaciu00f3n, los famosos tambiu00e9n confesaron que este su00e1bado revelaru00e1n a sus seguidores el sexo de su bebu00e9. Y, Juliu00e1n, hasta pidiu00f3 hacer una encuesta para encontrar un nombre para el pequeu00f1o o pequeu00f1a, u201cque conjugueu201d con su apellido (Guillermo), u201cporque es bien complicadou201d.


Aquu00ed el video de Noticias RCN en el que el futbolista y la exreina hablaron del aplazamiento de su boda y del hijo que esperan, que llegaru00e1 a acompau00f1ar a su primogu00e9nita, Helena.





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Y es que la famosa vallecaucana no fue la u00fanica que estuvo melancu00f3lica, su compau00f1era Catalina Gu00f3mez tambiu00e9n lloru00f3, pero en medio de la serenata.


El momento en que Carolina se mostru00f3 emocionada fue cuando su hijo Matu00edas apareciu00f3 en cu00e1mara llevu00e1ndole una carta que u00e9l mismo le habu00eda hecho por el Du00eda de la Madre, aunque cabe mencionar que ella confesu00f3 que desde antes estaba sentimental.


u201cY yo que estoy hoy mu00e1s chillona. [u2026] Los amou201d, expresu00f3 la presentadora ante esa sorpresa de primogu00e9nito, que ademu00e1s estaba alegre porque su papu00e1, el actor Lincoln Palomeque, le estaba llevando unas u201cflores grandesu201d a su mamu00e1.



n n Catalina Gu00f3mez, presentadora.n n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Llanto de Catalina Gu00f3mez por su fallecida mamu00e1, en homenaje de u2018Du00eda a du00edau2019 a las madres



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El momento se pudo ver en la seu00f1al en vivo de Caracol Televisiu00f3n de este viernes y ha sido replicado en cuentas de fans de Carolina.


Aquu00ed dejamos la emotivo escena de la presentadora, que no fue la u00fanica que fue la u00fanica que recibiu00f3 regalo de su hijo en u2018Du00eda a du00edau2019; sus colegas Catalina Gu00f3mez y Carolina Soto tambiu00e9n, pero eso no sale en la grabaciu00f3n.





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Previo a salir de Nueva York, el pasajero capturu00f3 algunas imu00e1genes de la soledad que habu00eda en el aeropuerto Jhon F. Kennedy, uno de los mu00e1s importantes del mundo.


Enseguida, ya adentro del aviu00f3n, se evidencia que los pasajeros no lograron mantener el distanciamiento porque el cupo era del 100 %. Al llegar, la emociu00f3n de la mayoru00eda era evidente.


En la noche de este viernes, cuando aterrizaron en el aeropuerto El Dorado, en Bogotu00e1, personal del Ministerio de Salud recibiu00f3 a los 247 colombianos, pero las medidas sanitarias y de seguridad eran muy altas. Ademu00e1s, en la grabaciu00f3n se pueden escuchar las advertencias de las autoridades para que estos connacionales permanezcan dos semanas en cuarentena, encerrados en una habitaciu00f3n.


De lo contrario, advirtieron, seru00e1n sometidos a la justicia e, incluso, pagar varios au00f1os de cu00e1rcel.



n n Colombianos vuelven a Colombia por el aeropuerto El Dorado de Bogotu00e1 durante la pandemia de COVID-19n n



Artu00edculo relacionado


247 colombianos regresaron de Nueva York este viernes; la pru00f3xima semana volveru00e1n 800 mu00e1s



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Migraciu00f3n Colombia, la Policu00eda Nacional o la Secretaru00eda de Salud del Distrito se encargaru00e1n de vigilar el cumplimiento obligatorio del confinamiento.


No obstante, la Cancilleru00eda detallu00f3 que, aunque se tratu00f3 de un vuelo humanitario concertado con Avianca, los reciu00e9n llegados tuvieron que correr con el gasto del tiquete au00e9reo.

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