How to register your company to join the economic reactivation?


In Bogotá a web platform has been enabled through which you can do the entire registration process. In addition, we explain what the new working hours are.

Construction is part of the sectors that have joined the economic recovery. Part of the plans that have been implemented is to relocate workers to the works that are closest to their home. Mauricio Alvarado – The Spectator.

The second stage of the economic recovery in Colombia begins. The country continues to battle the coronavirus, and its guard cannot be let down yet. However, an effort has been made so that certain sectors (mostly construction and manufacturing) are reactivated and bring relief to the finances of Colombian households.

This does not mean that companies enabled to operate today resume their activities. The national and district governments have been clear that the biosecurity protocol of each company (before the mayor of each city) must be registered so that it can be analyzed and approved by the authority.

As the coronavirus threat is still in force, anyone who breaks the quarantine to go to work would be exposing themselves to contracting the disease, hence the importance of companies implementing biosafety protocols, since they mitigate the risk of contagion and spread . These, for example, include the implementation of handwashing positions inside companies, the provision of face masks and social distancing measures.

In Bogotá, companies can register their protocols through the website On this platform you will find four banners: Public work; Private buildings; Manufacturing, trade, supplies and repair; Micro-companies (less than 10 workers).

Depending on the economic sector to which the company is a part, you must select the respective banner. In this, a form will be completed requesting data such as the company’s NIT and its respective protocol implementation. Once completed, the application will be analyzed from the District and, if everything is in order, the operating authorization will be issued, which will be sent by email to the representative of the establishment.

It may interest you: Financial alternatives for companies that join the reactivation

In addition to the above, and through the same platform, companies must register their Safe Mobility Plan, which must explain how employees will be mobilized from their homes to work and vice versa. Remember the discouragement to use Transmilenio and consider other alternatives, since from the Mayor’s office it has been said that this means of mass transportation will be closed if it exceeds 35% of its capacity.

It must also be understood that the District’s response is not immediate. According to the Secretary of Economic Development, Carolina Durán, up to 700 applications are being analyzed a day (10,000 are expected to receive only from the manufacturing sector).

This process has been done manually. As a growing wave of new requests is expected, the implementation of new technologies that allow the review processes to be done automatically is announced, thus reducing response times for companies.

Part of the recommendations to take into account before filling out the forms, is to read the resolutions and decrees (found on the same website) to find out which are the biosafety protocols that have been designed by the government.

** This week, when we are all at home to take care of our health and that of our relatives, you can consult the contents of the National and Bogotá sections without any restriction. And in the midst of this pandemic, which we are responsibly covering, you can also watch the special on Coronavirus in which the entire newsroom of El Espectador works minute by minute.

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-Drafting Bogotá [email protected]


How to register your company to join the economic reactivation?



