How to emigrate to Germany ?: The requirements for Colombians to live and work in Germany – Services – Justice


Andrés Felipe Carreño, coordinator of internal operations for Colombia de Futuro in Germany (a company dedicated to supporting health professionals who want to practice in the European country), talks about the different modalities that exist for Colombians, and Latin Americans, in migration issues To Germany.

In principle, the expert assures that there are latent risks for those interested in applying to the migration programs of any country, since there are individuals and groups dedicated to scamming and taking advantage of the need of those who seek to leave the country in search of new opportunities .

This type of ‘offers’ is not only suitable for scams, it can also be provided for trafficking in women and for many other things of an illegal nature”Says Carreño.

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To carry out undergraduate or graduate studies abroad, you apply for a student visa

A recommendation to avoid this risk is to access the information provided by the official institutions of the government of the country to which you want to go -in this case, the German government- in order to carry out an investigation that gives you enough tools to recognize if, at any time, you are being the victim of a scam.

“Use the channels offered by public and public-private institutions here in Colombia: call the Chancellery, call the German Embassy in Bogotá or call the Colombian-German Chamber of Commerce (…) And also, of course, when you contact a private company, you have to ask for legal documentation.”Specifies the expert.

There are different legal ways to achieve the goal of emigrating to Germany: academic, labor and family migrations.

“When you have a family link with a person of German nationality, you apply for a family reunification visa. (…) To carry out undergraduate or graduate studies abroad, you apply for a student visa ”, explains the lawyer.

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In the application to the work visa the requirements vary depending on the profession of the applicant (there are regulated and unregulated professions). For example, In the health sector it is more likely that the applicant will be able to pass the processes because of the country’s need for professionals who work in this area.

Currently, there is a very high percentage of people with a high age (over 40 years, for example) and the birth rate does not manage to compensate for the number of people that will be needed in some sectors of the country in future generations, a situation that occurred also in the 70s.

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“In the health area, this phenomenon is experienced with greater latency. Currently, if you go to a clinic or hospital in Germany, most of the people who treat you are already close to retirement age or the age of helplessness. “, Carreño contextualizes:”When they retire there will not be those who fulfill those job functions”.

In the health area, this phenomenon is experienced with greater latency

“In the statistics of European media, such as ‘Deutsche Welle’, figures of 1.36% are registered, while there should be 2.3%. These data do not show that there will be a young population in the future and a young adult who will occupy the available positions in the country and carry out the population change ”, asserts the Futuro coordinator in Germany.

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Other regulated professions that have more feasibility of success are software development and other careers related to the area of ​​technology.

For their part, among the unregulated professions, construction, gastronomy, customer service and carpentry are highly required jobs in the European country.

There are professions in which the requirements are more lax than in others. For example, it is not the same to homologate your degree as a nurse to doing it as a nursing technician, or as a professional in pre-hospital care. The more ‘important’ the position, the more are the requirements”.

There are professions in which the requirements are more lax than in others

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One of the requirements is the approval certificate, which is required by the German government for some regulated careers. “Lawyers cannot homologate, because laws change from one country to another, and political scientists can, with certain restrictions,” Carreño explains.

Another requirement that is generally asked to apply is the language learning certified from a ‘test’ approved by the German government.

“(The language) is almost always the most important barrier. In fact, when you arrive in Germany they tell you that the key to integration is in the language because it allows you, not only to communicate, express yourself and understand, but it also allows you to integrate culturally into the country”, Assures the lawyer.

(Language) is almost always the most important barrier

This factor also depends on the profession, since, for example: “a doctor has to certify, before having traveled to Germany, a C1 level within the European academic framework in Colombia (in addition to another technical and practical language test), while a nursing professional can present a B2 level”.

Finally, there is the employment contract that allows the German Embassy in Colombia to know that the applicant will have sufficient financial solvency to settle in the country.

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Although these are the general requirements for a Colombian who wants to live and work in Germany, Carreño clarifies that it is an extensive topic, which must be qualified because the requirements change depending on the applicant’s profession: “It depends on the specific case. Everything is too specific, so it is very difficult to generalize”.

With regard to people who have no possibility of passing, he says: “If you have a criminal record, it will be difficult for them to grant you a visa. That is a first key filter (…) With regard to age, there is no rule that says that this factor does not allow you to pass the processes. But if it is possible that it complicates things because there is a pension age in Germany (65 years) ”, concludes the coordinator of Futuro in Germany.

If you have a criminal record, they will hardly grant you a visa

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Futuro en Alemania is a company legally constituted in both Germany and Colombia, which found the great difference in benefits and quality of life between the two countries for health professionals.

For this reason, decided to serve as a bridge between German public institutions and those interested in migrating, facilitating the procedures and carrying out complete accompaniment to the applicant.

