How to apply to study abroad and not fail in the attempt – Education – Life


More and more Colombians are fulfilling their dream of studying abroad to continue their academic training or learn another language. In recent years, different agreements and calls have made the process easier.

According to Óscar Dominguez, executive director of the Colombian Association of Universities (Ascún), “studying abroad gives a very important qualification to the training process. This becomes a ‘plus’, there will be added value academically speaking, but also culturally ”.

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However, Colombians who go abroad to study are not all who could. Unfortunately, those who want to leave the country for academic purposes often fail to do so because they do not know how to carry out the respective procedures or believe that the requirements are difficult to meet. Added to this are economic difficulties.

But the truth is that, although there are strict requirements, these are not impossible to meet. And to this is added that every year there are innumerable options for scholarships and plans to make this whole process free or much cheaper, which are wasted for lack of people who apply.

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In fact, according to Global Connection, one of the main study abroad agencies operating in the country, it is estimated that between 30 and 40 percent of all scholarships that are offered by universities and multilateral organizations are lost, either because not enough applicants show up or because the applications do not meet the required requirements.

Thus, these are some recommendations to apply to study abroad and not fail in the attempt.

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Get informed

There are many ways to study abroad, either through scholarships or through exchange agreements between national and foreign universities or simply by enrolling in a study program in another country.

Regardless of the university in any country in the world, each one has its own selection process, be it for price titles (in the case of postgraduate degrees) or academic averages.

The scholarships, in general, have academic level requirements and explicitly ask to have the admission letter from the institution in advance to make the benefit effective.

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In the case of exchanges, all the country’s universities have internationalization offices, where information is given on countries and institutions with which they have agreements, dates, procedures, and more.

How to access scholarships?

In the case of scholarships, these can be by calls opened directly by universities in other countries or by organizations aimed at the internationalization of education.

In the first case, universities usually give discounts only on tuition. In contrast, organizations such as Icetex, Colfuturo, Fulbright, among others, have a broader coverage, sometimes with support support.

Calls are usually opened in advance. For example, Colfuturo scholarships open in January and studies can start until the following year.

It is recommended to be aware of the dates of the calls. There are also platforms such as My Scholarship, designed to gather a large number of offers.

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Choose the country where you want to study

It is easy to say that you want to study in Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Germany or Switzerland. However, these destinations generally require a certain level in another language, which is not the case with universities in Latin America or Spain. It should also be consulted if any type of study visa is required.

Little-known destinations can also represent good options in terms of educational quality and cost of the programs, so it is worth evaluating other options to the most popular, especially when it comes to learning another language.

It’s not just paying tuition

In addition to selecting the country and the program you wish to study, there are other points to take into account, especially in the economic aspect. How much do university residences cost in that destination? What is the value of the currency in the country to visit? Are there additional expenses such as degree fees, among others?

Study agencies

There are companies and organizations with extensive experience to study in another country. These study agencies already have agreements with various universities or international governments. In addition, they are the ones who are in charge of advancing the procedures, making the process easier.

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However, it is important to take certain precautions so as not to fall for scams.

one. Choose an agency that has accreditations.

two. It is important that you have several years of experience.

3. Look for testimonials from other people. This will give you an idea of ​​whether the company is legit.

Visit the facilities, social networks and websites to be more secure.

5. If they require some type of payment, such as college enrollment, check with other sources that these are indeed necessary.

Planning is important

As you can see, studying abroad is not impossible. However, if it requires several steps, which requires due planning, since it can be a process that lasts even more than a year between choosing the destination and the correct university, having the necessary documentation, being accepted in a certain academic program, finding a place to live, among other things.


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