How the New York Times managed to get Donald Trump’s tax information – US and Canada – International


A team of three journalists and two editors of ‘The New York Times’ worked for
four years to find the details of the tax returns that US President Donald Trump,
He tries to hide since he ran for President and that they show minimal contributions, exposure to million-dollar debts, dubious tax practices and possible conflicts of interest.

(Also read: Could the tax disclosure affect Trump in the campaign?)

Journalists Russ Buettner, Susanne Craig and Mike McIntire, supported by Paul Fishleder, veteran investigative editor, and Matthew Purdy, deputy editor of the newspaper, published this Sunday “the most complete photo to date of the president’s business and finances”said Dan Baquet, the newspaper’s executive director, in a note accompanying the exclusive.

The process

The team of The New York Times got an exclusive based on a large number of documents provided by “sources with legal access to them” and that were not disclosed to protect your anonymity. Baquet recalls the sources “take a high personal risk to help inform the public.”

(You may be interested: NYT accesses Trump’s taxes and reveals large debts for years)

During the past year, none of the three reporters published more than half a dozen articles in the newspaper and most of them were related to issues that simultaneously had to do with Trump’s business or taxes, which shows the unique dedication of this team, which earned credit for next year’s Pulitzer Prizes.

Support investigative journalism, it is the bulwark of our democracy

“Reporters who examined the documents covered the president’s finances and taxes for nearly four years, “ Baquet pointed out.

Michael Luo, magazine editor The New Yorker, opined on Twitter: “No other outlet in the world could invest the time and resources in Trump’s tax investigations that The New York Times Perhaps The Washington Post the ProPublica? Three reporters, unlimited time. Support investigative journalism, it is the bulwark of our democracy, “he said.

(Read here: Trump asks Congress for more than 400 million dollars for Colombia)

The publication

The detailed account of 10,000 words appeared on Sunday on the newspaper’s website and this Monday occupies the cover almost entirely and six pages of the paper version, where they analyze how Trump avoided paying taxes for more than a decade and, in 2016 and 2017, disbursed two amounts of $ 750.

The investigation describes a complex skein of businesses, income, debts and deductions that allowed the president to avoid paying taxes for the last 20 years, but also how a large part of their businesses are money sinks with no profit.

Likewise, exposes how the president has more than 300 million in loans and mortgages in his name that mature in the next four yearsThus, if he were re-elected in the November elections, he would be in command of the Executive while he faces possible insolvency.

(Also: Trump uncovers his letter to the United States Supreme Court)

In addition, you could face the obligation to return 72.9 million in taxes that the IRS refunded to you, which with the payment of interest and penalties they could exceed 100 million dollars. This case is pending an audit that appears to be mired in the same bureaucracy that Trump oversees.

Dollar price

The New York Times revealed that Donald Trump has more than $ 300 million in loans and mortgages in his name.

According to Columbia University School of Journalism professor Emily Bell, this is “a damaging and constitutionally dangerous photo”Although it is not really a surprise when you consider the revelations about Trump’s finances that have emerged since he announced his intention to be president in June 2015.

Ryan Mac, Technology Correspondent for Buzzfeed, praised The New York Times for having examined Trump’s complex fiscal universe and, at the same time, for having presented it so clearly: “It’s a dense and rigorous story for those looking for detail, but there’s a final conclusion that people are going to remember for a long time: the $ 750. “

(It may interest you: The first public ’round’ of Donald Trump and Joe Biden)

New York time, who will publish more information in the future about Trump’s taxes, kept the elaboration of this exclusive a waterproof secret, even people close to the team did not realize what was brewing.

Rukmini Callimachi, correspondent for the newspaper for issues of radical extremism, assured this Monday that Although there were people at his desk in charge of the report, “I had no idea they were working on it.”


Read also

– Trump puts Colombia in his re-election campaign with attack on Petro
– ‘Trump lies about Colombia, his attacks are laughable’
– ‘I have never got involved or paid tips (bribes)’: Efromovich
