How much did hotel occupancy drop at the start of the pandemic? – Sectors – Economy


The paralysis into which the economy entered since the end of March due to quarantine, to avoid the rapid spread of the coronavirus, already shows its first official indicators, which show the hard blow received by the country’s tourism sector, whose first indicator was the the number of travelers per plane fell by 8.6 percent.

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But now, the Dane showed the performance of hotels during March and the figures of travel agencies during the first quarter, which already anticipate the severity of the indicators for April and May.

Indeed, in March, according to the entity, hotel occupancy barely reached 37.3 percent, for a fall of 21.1 percentage points against the level of 58.4 percent that it showed in the third month of 2019, a situation that led to the sector’s income having a real reduction (discounting inflation) of 46.9 percent, a figure that contrasts with not only the increase of 7 percent and 9.6 percent seen in January and February, respectively, but with the 9.1 percent observed in March last year.

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Obviously, the personnel employed in the sector had the greatest drop since 2005, when it fell 7.1 percent, a level even higher than the contraction of 4.6 percent shown in March 2009, a year that was also very hard for economies of the world.

Meanwhile, the Dane also revealed that during the first quarter the income of the country’s travel agencies they fell by a nominal 20 percent (without discounting inflation), also being the lowest indicator since 2005, which is the oldest year in the report of the entity in charge of official statistics.

In this line of tourism, employed personnel decreased by 5.1 percent annually in the first quarter, but in this respect the sector has been showing negative indicators since the fourth quarter of 2014.

