Hospital Red Alert in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga due to COVID-19 and other pathologies


Lhe increases in infections and deaths due to COVID-19, as well as the arrival of patients with other pathologies, made the Intensive Care Units, ICU, dangerously close to their maximum limits. In fact, yesterday the Hospital Red Alert was declared in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga.

The announcement was made by the governor of Santander himself, Mauricio Aguilar Hurtado, while noting that “the area is going through a critical moment due to the pandemic.”

As he explained, “initially the curve was decelerating stable, and since the beginning of December it has risen, reaching a variation of + 35% in the last week, so a second peak is considered to be present”.

“In this way, the arrival of this transition from the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga to provincial capitals and other municipalities is expected. It should be noted that the average daily mortality increased by 35% during the last week compared to the previous one ”, revealed the Sectional President.

“The occupancy levels of the Intensive Care Units are as follows: the FOSCAL Clinic, 100%; the Fundación Cardiovascular de Colombia, 92%; the Chicamocha Clinic, 95%; and the ESE Hospital Universitario de Santander, 88%, compromising both public and private entities in the region ”, said Aguilar Hurtado.

“Currently, hospital emergency plans, referral and counter-referral mechanisms for patients with their Benefit Plan Administrating Entities have been activated. A call is made for the support of the alternative network for the provision of services, the articulation with the Regulatory Center for Emergencies and Emergencies (CRUE), and the de-staging of patients from full ICU to intermediate ICU and hospitalization “, said the first authority of the Department .

“Therefore, we call on Santander residents to make use of the emergency services only in extreme cases of emergency or during the presence of a critical alteration of the state of health, which will allow us to reduce the saturation of health services. medical attention, ”Aguilar Hurtado reported.

“This situation was triggered as a result of social disobedience and indiscipline. Therefore, end-of-year events and parties are prohibited in public or private spaces that involve crowds; the use of the mandatory mask is encouraged; keep your distance; implement hand washing instructed by health authorities, and choose open and well ventilated spaces ”, he specified.

He said that the Santander Police will closely monitor the restricted communes and the Ministry of Health, with the accompaniment of the Health Providers, EPS, will continue with epidemiological fences in these sectors. In addition, greater checkpoints will be implemented by the authorities ”.

Management speaks

by COVID-19

Luis Felipe González Castro, manager of the COVID-19 Strategy, ratified what was said by the Governor of Santander and asserted that “the Hospital Network is on alert for the increase in cases of COVID-19 and even for other pathologies that they literally have Intensive Care Units in the entire region on the edge of the top, especially in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga ”.

He insisted on saying that the response capacity of the ICU is at stake due to the mixed situation of the dates: accidents, effects of liquor, crowds, fights, civic indiscipline and gunpowder burns, in addition to COVID-19, among others ” .

“COVID-19 joins these days to the other 23 frequent pathologies that cause more morbidity and mortality in our Department,” added the official.

He reported that “this is a clear effect of the increase in cases of holiday bridges, 35 active conglomerates are confirmed that together contribute 121 active cases; a mortality rate of 99.65 per 100,000 inhabitants, a partial fatality of 3.56% and a seroprevalence in the city of Bucaramanga of 32% for a population of 597,316 with 191,141 real cases ”.

“Also our daily public report shows a positivity of 23.5% for PCR tests, with a global ICU occupancy percentage during the month of December of 71%”, he added.

González Castro added that, “added to this, there is a shortage and lack of availability of essential drugs for the administration of anesthesia, sedation and management of patients in intensive care units in the country.”

“As if that were not enough, at this time the walks and streets of downtown Bucaramanga have been a daily tribute to the antithesis of the pandemic: disorder, crowds and collective carelessness reign especially during daylight hours that warrant intervention”, added.

“Last Day of the Candles people relaxed with biosecurity measures and, therefore, today we are facing more cases of coronavirus,” said the official.

“It is proven that citizen indiscipline increases during weekends and we have noticed that this month,” he argued.

“According to the follow-ups made during the last holidays, in a period of around 11 days after these types of dates, the proportion of cases of coronavirus infections in our region increases between 20% and 33%,” he added.

“The neighborhoods and popular sectors of Bucaramanga, as well as some of Floridablanca, Piedecuesta, Girón and Barrancabermeja have not been fully controlled. The lack of civic culture is evident ”, denounced González Castro.

He said that the municipalities of Aratoca, Socorro, Oiba, Vetas, La Paz and Vélez should also consider restrictions on mobility due to the presence of conglomerates with active cases and their growth.

Finally, the Secretary of Health of the Mayor’s Office of Bucaramanga, Nelson Ballesteros, said that “a call is made to all EPS and IPS so that, taking into account the behavior and the increase that we are having in recent days of patients with COVID-19 pathologies, begin to restrict all that non-urgent or non-priority programmed procedure ”.
