Horror by massacre on a farm in Buga, Valle – Cali – Colombia


The commander of the Valle del Cauca Police, Colonel Jorge Urquijo, confirmed the massacre of four people in Buga.

According to the officer, the event occurred in a farm in this municipality, located in the center of this department.

The property is located in area of ​​the Cerro Rico village, which corresponds to the Chambimbal district, about 10 minutes from a factory, on the shore of a variant.

(Read also: They denounce the murder of four men in the mountain of Jamundí)

He said that armed men broke into the place, where there were three other people, and fired indiscriminately. These three people were injured.

The victims are four young people, about 18 years old, and among the wounded is a man, 71 years old.

Members of the Army have already traveled to the site where the events occurred.

Governor Clara Luz Roldán repudiated the event and called an extraordinary governing council to take urgent action.

This is the sixth massacre in the country, at the beginning of 2021, according to the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (Indepaz).

The last massacre that had occurred in Valle del Cauca occurred in October of last year. That case happened in the rural area of ​​Jamundí.

There, on one side of a trail, the corpses of four young men were found. They had gunshot wounds to the head, according to complaints from the community.

(Read also: Massacre in the Valley: murder of five people is reported in Jamundí)

This quadruple crime caused pain and confusion in this region of southern Valle del Cauca. That massacre was perpetrated at one of the entrances to the Farallones National Natural Park, on the border with the municipalities of Cali, Dagua and Buenaventura.

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