Horoscope for April 25, 2020 | You can relive an intense passion | Horoscopes


Today, Saturday, April 25, April 2020, the Moon goes through the Gemini sign in the vibration of the six that indicates love, home, family. All the planets are direct, except the planetoid Pluto that today begins to transit retrograde by the sign of Capricorn.

Today’s planetary horizon clearly indicates the sensual and passionate tone that awaits you from today. Suddenly you meet someone who longs to relive an intense passion.

Put your internal resources to work and don’t be silent when your heart is exploding inside and wanting to open up to love.

The noblest signs of the zodiac


If you are native to the element fire, that is, Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, do not worry about a sad news because it is possibly a great exaggeration as an effect in some people of the retrograde movement of Pluto.

If your sign is Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn, or telluric, of the element EarthSo this Saturday is not a day of nostalgia but of happiness and even if they tell you something worrying before giving credit to what you hear, think about it and then decide. You should always put the benefit of the doubt to work.

With an adequate rhythm of life you will be able to overcome many health problems. You are in a good astral cycle and now everything you do will result in your well-being and physical and mental improvement.

You will have the support of your coworkers who will give you a hand to help you master new technology in your company.

The spread of three cards in the tarot


For the natives of the element air, that is, Gemini, Libra or Aquarius, do not be discouraged if you initially make a mistake when taking the first steps in something hitherto unknown to you.

You are involved in an extremely favorable movement of initiatives that extends to different areas of your life and particularly to the economic sector. Outstanding money arrives at the right time and the expected payment solves a problem. There will be no more interruptions to what you expect to receive.

Finally the natives of the element Water, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, the good disposition you show in your relationship with others will be reflected in your health. The happier, more stable and calm you feel, the better those around you will feel and a positive circle will be established in your environment.

You have a great variety of personal resources which will help you win the sympathy of everyone and the admiration of that person that interests you.

Take care of a dream, a hunch, an intuition because in it there are keys that will attract money, fortune and love to your life as it usually happens to the natives of your water element.

And so you know more about it, go to our Univision Horoscopes page right now and look for the prediction for your specific sign today Saturday.

The call of Santa Muerte
