Hit to feared micro-trafficking network that moved 30 million pesos a day – Crimes – Justice


The Prosecutor’s Office and the Police carried out a gigantic raid to enforce 28 arrest warrants for indicated members of the dreaded micro-trafficking network known as ‘Los Colosos’, who commit a crime in the city of Bucaramanga, Santander.

Those captured will be charged with conspiracy to commit a crime, forced disappearance, homicide, drug trafficking and illegal manufacture or carrying of weapons.

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In 23 registration and search procedures carried out in Bucaramanga, in his area
metropolitan, in Medellín and Itagüí (Antioquia) 15 people have been captured so far. Three more were notified of their involvement in the process in the prisons where they remain deprived of liberty.

In the proceedings, 13 cell phones, 5 firearms, 3 blank weapons, 65 cartridges of different calibers, 2 notebooks with accounts and $ 2,435,000 in cash were seized.

According to the investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office, the network that would have around 100 members has been committing crimes since 2006. The organization would be moving around 50 million pesos a day in the San Rafael area and on weekends the sum would reach 80 million.

Only in Bucaramanga they would have control of 30 outlets. Marketing was done in real estate and through vendors who worked shifts of almost 18 hours.

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Investigators from the prosecuting body, coordinated by the attorney general, Francisco Barbosa, carried out investigations for the dismantling of the network for 10 months.

“The dismantling of this gang is the biggest blow to micro-trafficking in Bucaramanga. Since my arrival at the Prosecutor’s Office, I prioritized the case, we permanently followed it up. We continue to fight with all our investigative capacity to put an end to these criminal gangs whose actions affect children and adolescents in our country; We work tirelessly for them, ”said the prosecutor Barbosa.

In the research, it was possible to individualize a large part of the structure and its organization chart. For example, a person known as ‘Pepe’ was detected, in charge of hiring lawyers to defend the captured members of the organization, and to ‘Tocineta’, which manages the sicarial network and debt collection.

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Likewise, those in charge of the logistics of the pots were reached under the command of ‘Bombillo’. On the payroll there are also people in charge of the administration and the ticket offices.

The dismantling of this gang is the biggest blow to micro-trafficking in Bucaramanga. Since my arrival at the Prosecutor’s Office, I prioritized the case, we permanently followed up on it

The Prosecutor’s Office not only documented the way they moved drugs, but will prosecute some of the members for homicides, even in which the victims were other people from the same criminal structure.

The investigators have as probative material the results of the legal interception of 167 telephone lines associated with people linked to illegal activities.

(Also: 22 police officers who received money from gangs were prosecuted)

The fall of the bonnet

In 2011, the authorities had already hit the criminal network by capturing several of its members. After the operations, authorities say, the network was under the control of Óscar Camargo Ruiz, alias Pichi, who managed to spread the network and will commercialize the drug coming from Cauca, Norte de Santander and Bolívar.

The man moved between Bucaramanga, Barranquilla and Venezuela until 2015, when he was captured in a police operation. A few days later he escaped by jumping from the third floor of a hospital where he was being treated. In October 2018, he was recaptured and transferred to Bogotá.

The authorities indicate that while in prison he made alliances with a criminal network in Medellín and the gang ‘los Páparos’ to increase the presence of his organization in other sectors of the capital of Santander. Ex-paramilitaries would have been the guarantors of the criminal agreement.The narco was at home from jail and escaped to try to avoid his recapture.

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