his owner is denounced for raping a woman


Baum became one of the most prestigious bars in Bogotá in terms of electronic music. With parties that lasted all night and ended in the morning, it was, until before the pandemic, an icon of the capital rumba and lovers of that music lined up to enter there.

One of its owners is Hernán Cayetano, who is also a DJ. In a complaint published by El Espectador, a woman says she was raped by him while she was drugged after a party. The young woman has already filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office.

“I didn’t know who Hernán was. He introduced himself and took out a bag with many seeds. He offered me one, I said no. He insisted. I took it and started to feel something I had never felt before and I have been using drugs since I was 16. Literally, the world vanished. The muscles weighed on me. I felt like a puppet. I told my friend to let me stay at his house. We all went to the Polo (neighborhood). It gave me confidence because my cousin lives in the sector. But we got to my friend’s apartment and he told me no, to stay where Hernán (which was a few blocks away). I don’t know, but I started to feel a lot of anguish, and I am a very calm person, “the woman told the newspaper.

The incident happened on Saturday, April 2, 2016 and although Martina – a name that was changed to protect her identity – expressed that she did not take anything else that night, she explained how something affected her body, leaving her completely immobile.

“The last thing I remember are images of Hernán opening the door, picking me up and taking me to his room. When I react, the man it was penetrating me. I realized it, but my muscles and my brain weren’t responding. I could not move! My cousin lived very close and I couldn’t move! “

At that time she was 21 years old, but only until August 27, 2020 did she file the complaint, after reading the exposition to Ciro Guerra, who was singled out by eight women for sexual harassment and abuse.

As El Espectador writes, The case is being investigated by the office of the Sexual Crimes Unit, which is seeking a crime for carnal access to a person incapable of resisting. Three people have already been summoned to testify, but only two attended and one of them requested protection, as does the complainant.

Cayetano’s response

The outlet also contacted Hernán Cayetano, who already knew about this complaint and even knows the identity of the woman who accused him. However, he assured that the sexual relationship was consensual.

“We had sex, she fell asleep, we had sex again when she woke up. It is not true that she was unconscious, that I changed her room, I did not do those things. And if I have had drugs in my possession, it has been for my own use. I never got to offer (drugs) to someone like that. It is simply not correct “

But his statement was much longer in a video that he posted on his personal Facebook page. There he stated that “I have been a victim in different attacks by people with whom I had a business relationship a few years ago. They have been attacking my work, my environment and this reached a point where monstrous statements were made on social networks and far from reality “.

Fights with former Baum partners

El Espectador assures that Baum was born in 2013 after the union of multiple partners, among whom were Nelson ‘Cheo’ Cubillos, Hernán Cayetano, Will Rubio, Alejandro Canedo and, later, Mauricio Montenegro.

Of them, in 2017, Will Rubio and Alejandro Canedo sold their share to Cubillos and Cayetano, who continued with a business that had a great reputation within the electronic music scene.

Rubio wrote a message on Facebook a few months ago exposing an act of rape without mentioning names, while encouraging other women to report as well.

However, in dialogue with El Espectador, he emphasized his bad relationship with Cayetano, although he assured that his businesses were not affected by this case but by other circumstances.

“It’s not about that, but about the number of people that this character is affecting. Hernán is the worst person I have ever met “

What those who worked at Baum say

Good and bad things are said about Hernán Cayetano within that industry. While his Baum workers defended him by expressing that he is “a correct person” and with great success in front of women, other DJs define him as “arrogant, macho and bad person” for his business position in a bar as recognized as Baum .

Where is Baum?

It is a bar located in the center of Bogotá. Its reputation grew as a place where electronic music parties lasted until the next morning.

For DJs it was also the ideal place to show themselves in the capital scene, as it was a great musical window.
