Hidroituango extends contract and ensures generation by 2022


General commitment

The president of Grupo Sura, Gonzalo Pérez, maintains: “This moment demands that we move forward in agreeing on a common goal that goes beyond private interests, that inspires us and that binds us. It must be a collective effort: that we can progress as a society in reducing inequality, which has been a historical drag and has become more evident and critical due to the impacts of the covid on employment, health and quality of life ”.

Leave the pandemic behind

Jorge Mario Velásquez, president of Grupo Argos, asks for this Christmas that the learnings derived from the covid become multiplying actions of solidarity and empathy. “My wishes for 2021 are full of optimism, hope and confidence that the country can begin a path of agile reactivation, to favor efforts, serve the unemployed population and generate opportunities that allow rebuilding the social and business fabric.”

Vows for health and peace

From the presidency of Seguros Sura Colombia, Juan David Escobar, hopes that good health will abound at this time. “In 2021 we must continue to contribute to peace, continue the peacebuilding process because we signed some agreements, but that construction is everyone’s job. From the business point of view, the key will be to generate opportunities for peace to be consolidated and to advance with understanding, collective visions, development and common purposes ”.

Conquer the goals

“We are ending a difficult year, facing the first pandemic of this century, but we receive with great optimism and a lot of energy 2021, which will be the period in which we will work for our future. I ask the Child of God that the country continue to firmly confront the covid-19 and overcome the disease, that the lost jobs recover and that the economic reactivation be strengthened, ”said Jaime Alberto Upegui, president of Scotiabank Colpatria.

Recognize, repair and heal

Oswaldo Gómez, manager of the Confiar financial cooperative, advocated recognizing the other, as well as the differences and mistakes and moving on to the path of repair. “It is necessary to repair the damage that we have done to others to nature and that path of recognizing and repairing would put us on the path of healing wounds and differences that separate us and do not allow us to achieve a beautiful and beautiful ideal that is a society. of great frugality, in which less is more and in which abundance is possible for all ”.

Driving Progress

Alexis Tahta, president of Landers, urges greater opportunities for all, and that there is social progress. “I ask the Child Jesus for health for the entire work team, for my loved ones and for me. My wish for 2021 is without a doubt that the vaccine arrives as soon as possible to regain the hugs and displays of affection with those we love. For our company, I want us to continue to create jobs that positively impact social development in Colombia ”.

Clarity will be essential

Carlos Mario Giraldo, president of Grupo Éxito, insisted that this year 2020 was complex for humanity and obviously for Colombia, but he is confident that the coming months will be more favorable and benign. “I ask the Child God to consolidate the peace of Colombia and provide us all with health and safety. For the year 2021 that there is employment for those who lack work and that it enlightens our leaders in these moments of maximum challenge ”.

Solve difficulties

Lina Vélez, the president of the Medellín Chamber of Commerce, is clear and direct with her requests to the Child God in 2020, in which the pandemic caused a reduction in jobs. Consulted by this newspaper the head of that entity: “I ask for more companies so that they can generate employment.”

And about his aspirations for the coming year, Vélez was also forceful: “My wish for 2021 is that vaccines arrive for everyone.”

Keep what has been achieved

The president of Grupo Familia, Andrés Gómez, considers that in a year that has demanded efforts and sacrifices to maintain health, in the case of people, or jobs, in a company, it is essential to be able to continue keeping them. “Our main purpose is that 2021 is very positive, that it fills us with optimism. There is a tremendous need: to recharge ourselves with energy, because this was a year that demanded a lot of energy from us ”.

Act wisely

Lillyam Mesa, the president of the Aburrá Sur Chamber of Commerce, hopes that in 2021, in addition to keeping the economy activated, she advocates because: “El Divino Niño enlightens us to make the most correct decisions in order to overcome this crisis. Let’s not lower our guard; that we continue to act preventively, and that we all act responsibly in each of our spaces while we are finding an objective solution to health problems ”.

You have to respect and accept

“I ask the Child of God to enlighten us so that we learn that we came to this world to be happy and to serve with love”, with those words the president of Enka of Colombia, Álvaro Hincapié, formulates his Christmas aspirations in a year that he challenged with the pandemic to all humanity. And with a view to 2021, the businessman states: “My wish is that the new year comes full of patience for us, and accompanied by respect and acceptance so that together we live in peace and harmony.”

Votes for rural areas

Roberto Vélez Vallejo, manager of the National Federation of Coffee Growers, puts his intentions and purposes in the field. “I ask the Child God for health and peace for all, because that is what we need today more than ever. And the message for 2021 is that coffee growers continue on the path of profitability and can maintain a business with which we can progress. It will be essential that we take care of ourselves, because it is necessary to pass in the best way the serious phase of this pandemic of covid-19 ”.
