Hidroituango: EPM and construction consortium agree to extend the contract to complete the work – Medellín – Colombia


In the midst of a conciliation of 9.9 billion pesos between EPM and the construction consortium CCC Ituango (made up of the firms Camargo Correa, Conconcreto and Coninsa-Ramón H) for the Hidroituango works, both parties agreed to extend the construction contract, which had an end date of 31 this month.

In this way, the current builders of the megaproject will continue to be in charge of finishing it and set it up so that the first two turbines start generating in the first half of 2022.

(Also read: In the Hidroituango case, Fajardo assures that he has not washed his hands)

In recent days, both Daniel Quintero, mayor of Medellín (and president of the board of directors of EPM) and the manager of EPM, Álvaro Guillermo Rendón, they had expressed their opinion in favor of the consortium finishing the works.

In fact, Rendón told the Medellín Council that there was a letter of intent from all those involved to extend the term of the contracts until the completion of the work.

(Also read: Will the Hidroituango contract be extended to the consortium?)

For its part, EPM reported that some clauses were included that will allow the contract to be extended, once future validities are processed, until the project is finished.

(It may interest you: What mistakes did Fajardo, Gaviria and Ramos have in Hidroituango?)

He also explained that the signed contracts were three contracts:

1. Advice during the construction of the Ituango project, whose contractor is Consorcio Generación Ituango (Made up of the firms Integral Ingeniería de Supervisión SAS and Integral Ingeniería de Consulta SA) and the bilateral modification act AMB N ° 12 was signed;

2. Audit Service during the construction of civil works and the assembly of electromechanical equipment for the Ituango Hydroelectric Project.
Contractor: Ingetec-Sedici Consortium, act of bilateral modified CON N ° 6

3. Construction of the Dam, Power Plant and associated Works of the Ituango Hydroelectric Project Contractor: CCC Ituango Consortium. (Made up of the firms Camargo Corrêa Infra SA, Constructora Conconcreto SA and Coninsa – Ramón HSA)
Act of bilateral modification CON N ° 39

“The three contracts will be extended until December 31, 2021 and during the course of the same year, the extension of these contracts will be sought to the extent that EPM has the allocated budgetary resources and all technical and It is highlighted that the three main Contractors have expressed the desire and commitment to continue advancing in the development of the Project and take it until commissioning, which seeks to comply with the country in accordance with the program that plans to enter into generating units will be serviced in 2022 “, reported EPM.

