He is Yeico Massacre, the former Venezuelan military man who leads a dangerous gang in Colombia, Ecuador and Chile


Erick Alberto Parra Mendoza, alias 'Yeico Massacre', head of a Venezuelan criminal gang in Colombia.  Photo: Private archive.
Erick Alberto Parra Mendoza, alias ‘Yeico Masacre’, head of a Venezuelan criminal gang in Colombia. Photo: Private archive.

Erick Alberto Parra Mendoza recently celebrated the downfall of the Venezuelan kingpin ‘Willy Meleán’, which led a criminal gang of Venezuelans since 2018 in Colombia. As soon as Meleán was discharged, Parra Mendoza posted on social media that the war in Colombia will continue under his command and accompanied by this text he uploaded a photo of the weapons with which he would attack.

The newspaper El Tiempo established that Erick Parra Mendoza, or as he is known in the criminal world, aka Yeico Massacre, is 27 years old and according to information from the Colombian National Police, the criminal belonged to the Venezuelan National Guard, there he acquired knowledge and skills in explosives, combat and military intelligence. Subsequently, Yeico Massacre began to commit a crime in the state of Zulia, northeast of Venezuela, where he “positioned himself” as one of the most wanted criminals. As a result of this situation, he had to flee his country and take his criminal aspirations to Colombia, Ecuador and Chile.

Social networks alias Yeico Massacre
Social networks alias Yeico Massacre

It was established that after belonging to the Venezuelan public force, Yeico Masacre served as the head of security for the recently dismantled gang ‘Los Meleán’.

Why would Parra Mendoza be happy about the dejection of the leader of Los Meleán, a band to which he belonged? Well, in 2019, Tirso Meleán, son of the founder of Los Meleán, Antonio Meleán, he was captured in the United States. After Tirso’s capture, Yeico Massacre tried to take over the gang, and failing to do so, He executed an extermination plan against Los Meleán, which to date leaves more than 30 murdered in Venezuela and Colombia. From this situation, they declared war.

Intelligence investigations assure that the Los Meleán gang is made up of at least 300 people, mainly Venezuelans, who transferred their illegal activities to Colombian soil. On the other hand, the bloodshed of this criminal gang and the new front created by alias Yeico Massacre has been part and parcel. For example, the dead include the father, brother and one of the Venezuelan leader’s own gunmen.

Social networks alias Yeico Massacre
Social networks alias Yeico Massacre

In fact, in Bogotá there have been at least 14 deaths of members of Los Meleán in the town of Ciudad Bolívar, south of Bogotá. However, the casualties have not stopped the illegal actions of Venezuelan criminals, whom the authorities warn of ‘incurring’ in drug trafficking, robbery and, it is feared, kidnapping.

Police also reported that members of the Yeico Massacre criminal gang deployed gunmen who carry out all kinds of crimes. A few days ago, a video of one of the members of the ‘Yeico’ gang was recorded on social networks in which they chased a car in Soacha to shoot down citizens.

Without fear of reaching the hands of the authorities, criminals post videos of their misdeeds on social networks. In general, the motorized hit man complies with the requirement to shoot and record the crime and then ‘post it’ on the internet. When the task is successful, the criminals receive up to a thousand dollars (3,641,500.00 Colombian pesos approx.) For each crime.

The investigative unit of the newspaper El Tiempo revealed Yeico Massacre could be hiding in Chile.

For Yeico’s crimes, Venezuela issued a red circular in 2019 and is accused of ordering the murder of Benito Cobis, director of intelligence and preventive strategies for the Bolivarian National Guard.

“The mess with the red circular is that it does not include the crimes he has recently committed. In addition, Chile – where the ex-military man would be hiding – is one of the countries that does not recognize the Maduro government, and there is a risk that it will not proceed to locate, capture and extradite him to Caracas, “an official told the newspaper El Tiempo Intelligence.

Social networks alias Yeico Massacre
Social networks alias Yeico Massacre

Through this medical record, the Colombian justice seeks to collect all the probative material so that Interpol searches for and extradites Yeico Massacre immediately to Colombia to answer for its crimes. Meanwhile, the capo publishes photos of his weapons.
