Hassan Nassar defends Duque’s daily TV show


In an interview with El Tiempo, Nassar responded to the critics of the program saying that the aforementioned television space “does not generate additional costs” and that the resources used for its broadcast come from the Secretariat of Information and Press.

It must be remembered that not only in Colombia some sectors of the citizenry have criticized that the president appears on TV every day.

Even the fact that President Iván Duque addresses the country daily has not gone unnoticed by international media such as El País de España, which in a note strongly criticized the president, who questioned whether his daily appearances had blurred to become in a window for political propaganda.

The Iberian newspaper also published that the image of the president was “worn out” and that going out so often to speak to the country took away the presidential “aura of solemnity” that surrounds a head of state.

Citizen participation, more than propaganda

Hassan Nassar says his boss’s TV show, which didn’t air on Christmas or December 31, is designed more to reach people and inform than anything else.

“The level of citizen participation in the face of what the Government is handling has a very high acceptance,” says the official, who adds that the president’s interventions are based on real data.

And to defend his position, Nassar affirms, in the interview with the capital newspaper: “The purpose [del programa] it is to inform Colombians of the measures that are being taken at the national level in terms of public health policy and also against all the transversal axes of the pandemic ”.

The communicator points out that President Duque aims to keep the population up to date with the coronavirus, but not to make political propaganda or divert the course of the program towards another objective.

Given that response, El Tiempo asked him about what the pandemic had to do with, for example, inviting the Venezuelan opposition leader Leopoldo López, to which Nassar reacted and said that López had precisely spoken for a very short time about the situation of the pandemic for Venezuelans on the border with Colombia.

This was the last broadcast of ‘Prevention and action’ of 2020, on December 30:
