Hassan Nassar accuses Gustavo Petro of being opportunist


The Head of Communications for the Palace, Hassan Nassar, responded to Gustavo Petro after the invitation that the senator made to President Iván Duque to meet and seek solutions against the coronavirus. For the response, everything indicates that Petro’s proposal fell very badly in the Government: “@IvanDuque has been working hand in hand with WHO / PAHO for 11 months, epidemiologists, mayors, governors, congress, unions, control entities, civil society to face the pandemic. You were dedicated to polarizing and lying, never adding. Theirs is belated opportunism ”.

The senator from Colombia Humana had invited the president through his social networks: “I propose to President Duque to meet together to jointly build a national agenda in defense of life against covid-19. A common threat must be faced with a common strategy that enhances the strength of the nation to overcome the problem ”.

From Hassan Nassar’s message, it is clear that the proposal did not work and Petro closed the doors of the House of Nariño.
