The woman tells Banco de Bogotá to generate an occupational disease of depressive disorder due to bullying. According to him, this situation caused him damages in his family, personal and social surroundings.
According to Blu Radio, the decision against that entity was made by the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice, which explained that the lawsuit focuses on the worker demanding that the existence of an indefinite-term contract be declared with the Bank.
According to the applicant, this entity is “responsible for the damages caused by an occupational disease that was caused when it worked for the entity that was harassed and mistreated at work.”
The victim not only alleged for the moral damages caused to him inside the bank, but also the payment for the material damage due to his illness and the disability that was generated by the same treatment.
Get information on COVID u201119 mobility trends. The reports are published daily and reflect the requests for directions in Maps u00a0de u00a0Apple, indicated the company on its website.
From the collection of aggregated data from the Maps app, the new website of Mobility Data It shows trends in major cities and in 63 countries or regions around the world.
The information is generated by counting the number of requests for directions that users make to the Maps tool and then, these sets are compared to reflect a change in the volume of people that are moving in the world.
The Maps application does not associate mobility data with a user's Apple ID and the company does not keep a history of where users have been, for the peace of mind of those who carefully guard their privacy.
All this data is associated with random identifiers that are continually restarted, so that the company cannot create a profile of the movements and searches, the company detailed.
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Hern u00e1ndez Bonnet updated this Wednesday in the program u2018 Sports Blog u2019, of Blu Radio, the scoop that delivered in that space last Monday, indicating that in James Rodr u00edguez has an 80% chance of continuing his career at Atlético de Madrid.
That day, the commentator from the Caracol Goal clarified that he dared to give that information because the person who gave it to him was the same person who had anticipated him three years ago. u201910 u2019 will go to Bayern M u00fanich in the middle of 2017.
u201cThe source continues to insist that this (James' move from Real Madrid to Atlâtico) is practically done. We simply stick to the initial 80% version because as the devil is a pig at any moment something flips, Hern u00e1ndez Bonnet said.
According to what they told the journalist, u00a0the Colombian midfielder is already having close ties with Atl u00e9tico de Madrid u00a0because you do not want to move from the Spanish capital.
For now, James and his teammates returned to training this week and are awaiting the date in June in which the Spanish league will resume, in which they occupy the second place in the table. of positions.
Rodr u00edguez's departure is imminent because his contract with the team ends in June 2021 and u00a0Real Madrid cannot allow him to go to another team for free.Therefore, if the team chaired by Florentino P u00e9rez wants to receive a few million for James, u00a0You must sell it yes or yes in the coming pass market.
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Jair Bolsonaro underwent in the last two months to 3 tests to rule out that it was against the coronavirus, and all were negative, according to the results made public this Wednesday by a judicial decision.
The curious thing is that these analyzes, the results of which the president refused to disseminate despite guaranteeing that they had been negative, They were made under the pseudonyms of Airton Guedes and Rafael Augusto Alves da Costa Ferraz, although in all cases their identity card and tax registration number appear.
The dissemination of the results was ordered by magistrate Ricardo Lewandowski, who determined this Wednesday that he would be given u201 ample publicity u201d to the exams, carried out at the Hospital of the Armed Forces of Brasilia.
The results were demanded before the Justice for the newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo, under the allegation that, because they are the head of state, they have u201cinter u00e9s p u00fablico u201d, despite the fact that Bolsonaro argued throughout the process that they were exclusively u201c u00eeding private u201d.
The lawsuit went through various judicial instances until it reached the Supreme Court and Magistrate Lewandowski accepted the newspaper's arguments.
The first two exams in question were carried out by the president on March 12 and 17, after an official visit to Miami., where he met with his American counterpart, Donald Trump, and after more than half of his entourage, made up of about 40 people, tested positive for COVID-19.
The results of those tests were delivered the previous day to the Supreme Court by the State Attorney, which this Wednesday sent a third analysis to Judge Lewandowski, which also came back negative.
Bolsonaro, one of the rulers who most despise the real severity of the pandemic in the world, He has systematically refused to present the results of the analyzes, alleging that he has already said that the result was negative and that it is a matter u201cprivate u201d.
One of the arguments put forward by the State of Sao Paulo regarding the public interest of the ex-examiners was the fact that Bolsonaro, in the last few months, He has attended demonstrations organized by his supporters despite the restrictions on circulation that have been imposed to try to contain the coronavirus..
Bolsonaro has repeatedly violated those determinations and has censored the quarantines imposed by governors and mayors in the country for its economic impact and convinced that the u201chambre kills more u20e1s u201d u00a0que COVID-19, which has so far left more than 12,400 deaths in Brazil, with almost 180,000 infections.
Although she has denied over and over again that she had had a coronavirus, on some occasion Bolsonaro hinted that he could have contracted the disease without knowing it.
u201cMaybe you grabbed that virus in the past. Maybe, maybe, but I didn't feel it u201d, he stated, although he has also insisted that u201d never had coronavirus.
Likewise, in a pronouncement on the national network almost two months ago, he declared that because of his history as an athlete u201d, if he gets the disease, he will suffer just a flu and a cold u201d.
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Apply for those employees who are not laid off due to the pandemic, the UK government reported.
Some 7.5 million employees have already benefited from this measure, which has a salary limit of 2,500 pounds (2,800 euros) per month, said Finance Minister Rishi Sunak.
Since the start of the pandemic and the confinement that paralyzed the British economy on March 23, 935,000 companies have used this government aid to preserve jobs, with more than £ 10bn in compensation, ensures the Treasury.
Announced in April, the system should initially be in effect until the end of June. But the UK will not begin its misconduct until June 1, with primary schools and some shops, and public establishments such as restaurants or hairdressers not opening until July.
Sunak had previously suggested that aid to preserve employment would be gradually reduced, but there were numerous calls to maintain it.
Thus, it announced Tuesday, until the end of July there will be no changes to the current system.
And starting in August, flexibility u20ecm u201cm u00e1s u201d will be added to the system, including the possibility for employees to resume part-time work, and a call for employers to u201c share the cost u201d of support salary, which Sunak wants to keep at 80% of the usual salary.
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According to the son of the attacked, u00a0Luis Rafael Montiel, his father was beaten and told not to spread u201d COVID-19 through that city in the state of Guererro.
Through a video published on his Facebook account, Luis Rafael recounted the ugly moment that his father lived, just for the simple fact of wanting to help people.
Ignorant and cowardly people who cannot do things head-on and do it in secret, my father has only helped people by giving face masks and supporting this pandemic, he expressed in the publication.
The indignant son also said that, at the time of the attack, Mario was wearing the Red Cross vest, a mask, and protective glasses, which were used so that the chlorine did not harm him. will enter the eyes.
Later, Luis Rafael Montiel reported through the same social network that his father was already stable and recovering from the "barbaric situation". u201d who suffered.
According to the Millennium newspaper, the state of Guerrero has, according to the most recent reports, u00a0582 cases of contagion and 71 deaths from coronavirus. Furthermore, this is not the first case of violence or discrimination against any health worker, such as that nurses and physicians are not allowed to get on public transportation.
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u201cI am again positive to COVID u201d, wrote the production artist like u2018Pasi u00f3n de Gavilanes u2019, and then expressed his bewilderment with a u201d speechless u201d.
At the same time, I thanked those who have been looking after their health, u201d all who have supported me, u20f3 said.
Danna's coronavirus drama started in March, when she was in Spain, had a lawsuit with an airline, and even u00a0he thought he was going to die, to the point that he made it clear what to do with his son
In April they did the test again and tested positive for COVID-19 for the second time; now in May the same thing happens to him again, although he has not revealed more details such as, for example, if his situation continues with the harsh symptoms that he suffered or is already asymptomatic.
While the celebrity gives more information about his current situation, here we leave the publication he made this Wednesday to confirm that nothing wins him the battle. to the virus.
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The video It was published by the newspaper Q u2019There was, this Wednesday, and said that the people who participated in the party were men who attended an appointment that was made through social networks.
The Police inspected the suitcases that some of the assistants were carrying, and there it is observed that when opening a bag they find various sex toys, including dildos and lubricants.
A young man who was questioned told the police that they were going to speak the truth, and told them that The entrance cost 10,000 pesos, that the beer sold for 3,500 pesos and that the condoms cost 1,000 pesos.
In a message you have on your cell phone It is read that the promise was a u201cric and sensual u2018orgy-party u2019 (sic) u201d, and that they were invited to a u201d meeting of sensual and pleasant morbid u201d to which they should bring a towel and arrive u201case u201d.
This is the house where a sexual rumba was held in northern Cali during the mandatory isolation, in which at least 20 men participated. / 2rbdHwESr9
Pero la rumba se les dau00f1u00f3, la Policu00eda se llevu00f3 los juguetes y el alcalde de Cali anunciu00f3 sanciones para ellos por no respetar la medida de aislamiento y porque, dijo, al parecer habu00eda personas portadoras de coronavirus.
In fact, a uno de los asistentes lo tuvieron que sacar en ambulancia, pues segu00fan el alcalde Jorge Ivu00e1n Ospina al ser testeado presentu00f3 fiebre.
u201cLos irresponsables fueron capturadosu201d, aseguru00f3 Ospina, motivo por el que la Fiscalu00eda contempla la posibilidad de enviarlos a prisiu00f3n.
ud83euddd0 Llegamos al norte de #CaliCo para evitar una fiesta de 2ufe0fu20e30ufe0fu20e3 personas donde se pretendu00eda realizar un encuentro sexual, venta de licor y consumo de sustancias alucinu00f3genas. Los irresponsables fueron capturados.
Todos los detalles en el Facebook de la Alcaldu00eda de Cali ud83eudd33ud83cudffd.
u2014 Alcaldu00eda de Cali (@AlcaldiaDeCali) May 13, 2020
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Lo grabaron cuando bau00f1aba y le pegaba a la mamu00e1, de 83 au00f1os, y Policu00eda lo capturu00f3","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Capturan a hombre por maltrato a la mamu00e1"}]}];
var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP898195","titles":{"main":"Se metiu00f3 en la grande el Banco de Bogotu00e1 por este abuso con una de sus empleadas","facebook":"Muy duro esto.","seo":"Caso de acoso en el Banco de Bogotu00e1"},"phrases":{"main":"La entidad deberu00e1 pagar 160 millones de pesos por perder un proceso con una de sus trabajadoras que denunciu00f3 un acoso laboral."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"nacion","name":"Naciu00f3n"}},"urls":{"main":"/nacion/caso-acoso-banco-bogota-PP898195"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"carlos.diaz","name":"Carlos Diaz"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 13, 2020 04:28 pm","updated":1589388163,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Banco de Bogotu00e1","credit":"Cu00edvico y Getty. Imagen ilustrativa.","description":"","alt":"Banco de Bogotu00e1","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Banco de Bogotu00e1"],"sources":[{"title":"Banco deberu00e1 pagar mu00e1s de $160 millones a mujer acosada laboralmente","url":"","source":"Blu Radio","fuente":"Blu Radio"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn
La mujer seu00f1ala al Banco de Bogotu00e1 de generarle una enfermedad laboral de trastorno depresivo por cuenta del acoso. Segu00fan dice, esta situaciu00f3n le causu00f3 afectaciones en su entorno familiar, personal y social.
De acuerdo con Blu Radio, la decisiu00f3n en contra de esa entidad la tomu00f3 la Sala Laboral de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, que explicu00f3 que la demanda se centra en que la trabajadora exige que se declare la existencia de un contrato a tu00e9rmino indefinido con el banco.
Segu00fan afirma la demandante, esa entidad es u201cresponsable de los perjuicios causados con enfermedad profesional que se le causu00f3 cuando laboraba para la entidad accionada por acoso y maltrato laboralu201d.
La vu00edctima no solo alegu00f3 por los dau00f1os morales que le causaron dentro del banco, sino tambiu00e9n el pago por la afectaciu00f3n material debido a su enfermedad y la invalidez que se generu00f3 por el mismo trato.
Pero, u00bfen quu00e9 consistiu00f3 el acoso laboral? Blu Radio cita el fallo del Alto Tribunal que asegura que la mujer fue objeto de burlas frente a sus compau00f1eros y a un aislamiento social.
A su vez, se tratu00f3 a la mujer como si fuera una mala imagen para el banco y, finalmente, el 7 de septiembre de 2005 fue trasladada de oficinau201d, explica la decisiu00f3n.
Pulzo intentu00f3 contactarse con el Banco de Bogotu00e1, pero hasta el momento no ha habido una respuesta sobre el tema.
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