Gustavo Petro announced that the State Council ruled in his favor


The senator of the Colombia Humana movement Gustavo Petro reported on his Twitter account that the Council of State ruled in his favor this Friday.

“The Council of State has ruled against the request for loss of investiture that citizen Cely tried to advance against me,” he said. Petro, in that social network.

“So far we have overcome all attempts to prevent the exercise of my political rights,” he added.

The former mayor of Bogotá ended up in that court after a group of lawyers and citizens filed a lawsuit last July for his statements about civil disobedience.

“It is not about going out to the streets, because we would promote the growth of the disease; there is a form of social reaction that is essential to unleash now. That form has to do with civil disobedience, “Petro said at the time.

The lawsuit, admitted on August 4 by the Council of State, was filed, among others, by the lawyer José Manuel Abuchaibe, which in the past demanded the election of Antanas Mockus, indicating that Petro should resign to say that he did not recognize the “legitimacy” of President Iván Duque.

This is Petro’s trill:
