Gustavo Bolívar attacks Álvaro Uribe with everything to explain why his reputation deteriorated


Gustavo Bolívar and Álvaro Uribe
Gustavo Bolívar and Álvaro Uribe

Within the new grid of guest columnists for this Sunday edition in ‘the new era’ of Semana Magazine, is the Colombian senator, writer, journalist, screenwriter and politician Gustavo Bolívar Moreno, who in his opinion space reflected his strong position in front of the former president and former senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez. Bolívar dispatched himself against Uribe and made an X-ray of the alleged criminal record of which he accuses the former president.

Bolívar begins his column by blaming former Colombian president Andrés Pastrana for the fact that the country has faced twenty years of fascism: “two decades of uribism”. The scriptwriter’s argument against this accusation is because “Andrés Pastrana gave the FARC 42,000 square kilometers in Caguán”, which, according to Bolívar, was an act of “extreme naivety” that allowed the guerrillas to rearm and through drug trafficking and kidnapping to position itself in the country.

Bolívar Moreno, today a senator of the Decency List party, assures that when Pastrana handed over that territory of Caguán to the FARC, Uribe was known to public opinion as a modern, advanced neoliberal governor, and a seasoned congressman; by the DEA and the State Department as a collaborator of the Medellín cartel and by human rights defenders as “promoter of the Convivir and natural leader of the paramilitarism.” These reputations by which the political leader was known, according to Bolívar, allowed him to become the “perfect candidate to restore to Colombians the dignity lost in Caguán.”

Senator Bolívar assures that “Uribe is a lucky man” and that he owes his victory in the 2002 elections to the strategy he proposed to “annihilate the guerrilla group.” after three months before the presidential elections of that year, the FARC kidnapped Senator Jorge Géchem Turbay, a fact that caused the “breakdown in the peace talks.” Bolívar says that only because of this event Uribe rose in the polls and after his rebound in them “the nightmare began.”

Some of the most controversial accusations that the writer makes in his opinion space is that Uribe won the presidency of the Republic “With the help of various paramilitaries, as stated in the Justice and Peace files.” Bolívar denounces that Uribe “It annihilated the rule of law, persecuted human rights defenders, ruined the countryside, brought Congress to its knees, politicized justice and cooperated with control organizations.”

The journalist finished off that fragment of his column by assuring that after Uribe Vélez was in power, the deaths of Colombians increased dramatically among those who stand out “Millions of victims and tens of thousands of deaths among the military, mostly soldiers, protesters, social leaders, trade unionists, journalists, indigenous people and ex-combatants.”

Bolívar made reference to a tweet by former President Uribe in which he refers to the deterioration of his reputation and says that the ex-president “did enough to achieve it.” The senator and screenwriter named some of the reasons, which in his opinion, damaged the image of the leader of the Democratic Center.

“He did enough to reach her, President: he admitted drug traffickers to the Ralito trial so that they washed his medical records and ill-gotten fortunes. He bought his reelection in 2006. His DAS director, Jorge Noguera, put the entity at the service of Jorge 40 and assassinated Professor Correa de Andréis. He appointed Salvador Arana, the murderer of Eudaldo Díaz, mayor of El Roble, as his ambassador, who pleaded with him in a community council to take care of his life. Its officials hit opponents, journalists, and Supreme Court magistrates. Their children turned lands from rural to free zone, ”said Gustavo Bolivar.

Bolívar also accuses the former Colombian president of damaging Colombia’s ecosystems, granting licenses in Hidroituango and building “About the common graves of the environmental leaders and farmers who opposed the project.”

The librettist’s memories of Álvaro Uribe did not stop there. Bolívar told Uribe that during his tenure he had ties with the Nules, granted millionaire subsidies in Agro Ingreso Seguro and “The three most corrupt projects in the history of Colombia were signed: Reficar, Ruta del Sol 2 and the La Línea Tunnel.”

In addition, he criticized several officials of Uribe Vélez’s cabinet who are today behind bars. Likewise, the senator made reference to the false positives registered during the Uribe government: “More than 6,000 innocent young people were shot and disguised as guerrillas in order to show the press and the world that Uribe was winning the war against the Farc.”. Gustavo Bolívar, about to finish his column, questioned Uribe about the fact that he should not be surprised that his image is deteriorated. In addition, he made reference to the letter that Uribe recently sent to the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, in which he tells him how to govern. Faced with this, Bolívar asked the former president a question, accusing him of suffering from a mental health condition, he said: “Senile dementia or pure cheek? “

Finally, Gustavo Bolivar said: “Don’t be sad about your loss, President. He has earned it hard ”. He concluded by reminding Uribe of his mistake regarding the repeal of the JEP and said that he agreed to write in Semana on the condition that they allow him to express himself without changing a comma. In addition, he acknowledged that he did not charge money to publish in the magazine.
