Government responds to doctors’ warning about ICU occupation in Bogotá


There is concern among health professionals because The occupancy of ICU beds in Bogotá continues to increase rapidly
and the official information of the Salud Data platform, in charge of these reports, is outdated.

“Collapsed emergency services, having critical patients, with mechanical ventilation in the emergency services in which We require prompt action from the Ministry of Health for referral to intensive care units, But when we do the referral management we find that the beds are occupied, ”said Fabián Rosas, president of the Association of Emergency Medicine and Emergencies.

They warned that there are patients with COVID and non-COVID care needs who have not been able to enter ICUs.

“We receive patients due to multiple trauma, patients with heart attacks, cerebrovascular diseases, chronic diseases that also require ICU and COVID patients continue to arrive, especially at this time due to Christmas shopping and festivities and that we believe that the worst has not comeRosas assured.

“We have the report that in the city of Bogotá at least 28 patients are being ventilated in the emergency services and hospitalization waiting to access a bed in intensive care units, when what Salud Data says is that we have an availability of more than 200 beds. The question is: why are these patients not transferred? Why are they refusing? And there are patients waiting 24 or 48 hours for ICU in hospitals, not only in Bogotá, but in the country, ”said Carolina Corcho, vice president of the Medical Federation.

The experts also warned that there is a shortage of human resources and medical supplies.

“We are concerned that the information systems that are recording the occupation of intensive care They are not showing that at this moment we already have a lot of exhausted, disabled human resources, many of these intensive care beds were opened regardless of whether we had human resources available, “added Corcho.

“It is a call for help to the District to support us”, expressed Rosas.

For her part, Carolina added that “the number of daily requests that ICU patients have should be made transparent in the ICU information systems, this must be immediately, it cannot depend on the EPS, here there must be a health rectory of territorial entities and the ministry for the control of ICUs ”.

Finally, they pointed out that it is a job that does not depend only on local, district, or health authorities, It belongs to all citizens with self-care and avoiding crowds.

In this regard, the National Government ruled on the situation in different cities of the country.

In the case of Bogotá, the Ministry of Health explained that there is still no collapse and that patient care is being guaranteed.

“This increased occupation is taking place due to the effects of December and It will last us probably two more weeks. What we are experiencing are the effects of novenas, parties, family reunions, Christmas, some commercial activities without compliance with protocols, ”said the Deputy Minister of Health, Alexander Moscoso.

However, he warned that in the case of Bogotá there is no collapse of the hospital system.

“Some intensive care units in the north have higher occupations, so when you or your entity does not have the capacity to assist you, do not worry, this entity, through the CRUE, will refer you to the corresponding entity , public or private, within the District, ”he said.

That is why he made an urgent appeal to citizens: “Remember the use of masks, distancing, hand washing, avoiding crowds, all the work for the protection of the elderly and people with comorbidities, this is everyone’s job ”.

The vice minister assured that Colombia has increased its diagnostic and care capacity, but it requires the commitment of all to stop the infections.
