Government proposes Bogotá, Cali, Barranquilla and Medellín for the FPC


According to Tito Puccetti, journalist from Blu Radio, the Government informed Dimayor that it would give the guarantee so that the professional tournament is resumed if the venues in question are used, since they have stadiums with 4 dressing rooms, among other logistical facilities.

Consequently, Dimayor and his affiliated teams must give an answer, since the Government itself proposes a championship divided into 4 regional pentagonal, from where 8 would come classified for the next phase.

Bogotá has the El Campín stadium; Cali, with Pascual Guerrero; Medellín with Atanasio Girardot; and Barranquilla, with the Metropolitano.

El Campín Stadium

Further, each city has alternate scenarios, as Techo, in Bogotá; the Cali stadium in Palmira; Romelio Meléndez, in Barranquilla; and the Envigado and Itagüí stadiums, in Medellín.

Now, the mayors would not have given the respective permission and provide the scenarios, for which the presidents of Cali and Medellín have already come forward with their ‘yes’.





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u201cMcLaren and Vettel will be a mega-story. I think that McLaren, with the Mercedes engines, can take another step next year, Haug said in statements made to the Sky station.


Vettel will leave Ferrari later this year after six seasons together. McLaren declined to comment on Tuesday on speculation about a possible 32-year-old German commitment.



n n Sebastian Vettel n n



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Haug hopes Vettel will not end his automotive career with his departure from Ferrari.


German and international motorsport will lose a great value and a great guy, he said. u201c Speculating in that direction would be too far for me to go. I don't think I have no other choice after Ferrari u201d, they said.


Mercedes team chief Toto Wolff did not rule out a commitment by Vettel to the German team after his departure from Ferrari.


"When a pilot of Sebastian Vettel's caliber is available on the market, you have to consider the matter as a competent head of a top-of-the-line team," Haug said in statements that the newspaper "Forzheimer Zeitung" said. Post this Wednesday. u201cWhich does not mean that a future collaboration will be reached u201d, he added.


For his part, the former supreme chief of Formula 1, Bernie Ecclestone, believes that for Vettel it would be better to change to a second-line team, after his departure from Ferrari.



n n Vettel n n



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I do not know if he will, but I will go to a team that is not currently one of the best, the 89-year-old Brit said to u2018Bild live u2019. He has so much experience, he is super talented, it will be a great enrichment for a team looking to achieve goals, more than for Mercedes u201d, he considered.


Ecclestone argued that he would like to see Vettel build something new with a team and then end up winning the title, and made reference to the German era in Red Bull. With the team of Austrian billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, Vettel won the world championship in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

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It is not only affected by the situation in Colombia, but in the countries in which the airline has operations.


According to Data IFX, the recent stock slump left the company with a market value of 66,000 million pesos, around 17 million dollars, that is, the capitalization of the stock. at this time.


This means emphasizes that this value is very low if we take into account that, for example, only the loan for which Germ u00e1n Efromovich lost control of Avianca amounts to 450 million dollars, a value much higher than what the airline now has in stock matters.


Avianca closed this Tuesday with a price of 66 pesos per share, after its title fell more than 70% on the Colombian Stock Exchange.



n n Corte en Nueva York aprueba primeras peticiones de Avianca n n



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Avianca's stock crash came after the bankruptcy filing it made last weekend in the United States, a petition that received the approval of the Southern District Court of New York that approved the first requests Avianca Holdings for a reorganization, including endorsement to "continue to pay its allied employees, agencies and suppliers."


u201cThe successful first hearing of Avianca denotes an important achievement in relation to the request for protection under Chapter 11, which will allow it to meet several urgent payments and maintain operational continuity during the reorganization. u201c u00f3n u201d, the company said in a statement.

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That purported remedy, known as MMS, is made from sodium chlorite, a disinfecting agent, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the US regulatory agency, reported. therapeutic products in Australia.


It is not the first time that this product stands out for its supposed healing properties. In 2010, French health authorities warned that MMS was being presented as u201a life-saving discovery u201d or as u201cla response to AIDS, hepatitis A, B and C, malaria, herpes, tuberculosis, most of the cancers and many other of the worst diseases u201d.



The US court recently suspended the sale of this product, manufactured by a group baptized u201cla church G u00e9nesis II of health and healing u201d.


Now, the organization MMS Australia is no more than a subsidiary of that religious group.


The TGA justified the fine for the "harmful effects that the intake of MMS could have."


There is no scientifically accepted, clinical evidence that MMS can cure or attenuate a disease, the regulatory agency said, and immediately warned:


u201cThe use of MMS presents significant health risks and may lead to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or severe dehydration which, in some cases, could lead to hospitalization u201d.

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Faustino Asprilla made the announcement on his Twitter account, where he shared a video in which the woman herself, identified as Emilse, tell the drama you are living.


u201cMy husband died 2 years ago and I was unable to take my son to his appointments in Pasto with the psychiatrist, which are of utmost importance. I do sewing and there is no one to buy even a face mask. We live on this ranch and when it rains everything gets wet u201d, I relat u00f3.


Accordingly, the popular u2018Tino u2019 trin u00f3: u201c Please help me locate Do u00f1a Emilse, thank you u201d.



n n Vendedora chocoana y Tino Asprilla n n



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With a photo of the transaction, El Tino Asprilla continued with what he gave to a vendor from Chocoana.



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In this way, Asprilla continues to show solidarity, since days ago I sent money and a market to a fish vendor from Choc u00f3 that he showed his despair in various media due to the lack of aid to cope with the quarantine.


Ac u00e1, the publication of u2018Tino u2019 and the video of the woman:



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The image looks like something out of a comedy, but it corresponds to reality, which always manages to overcome fiction, and now more with the restrictions of social contact experienced by the coronavirus.


The measure was taken at the Rothe coffee shop in the city of Schwerin, in order to ensure that customers do not have a closer proximity than the one recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO).



So today. Distance measurements u201d, is read in the establishment's Facebook publication, next to the photograph that shows that the strategy is already implemented and gives the expected results while people enjoy a coffee or a beer in the sun.





Germany is experiencing the reopening of some premises, but not in the entire territory. u201cBars and restaurants are resuming their activity depending on the region in which they are, as long as they consider that it compensates them to do so with a smaller capacity u201d, reports 20 minutes.

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The member of the program u2018Blue mornings u2019 He recalled that the event of the 3 naval gunships that passed from the Meta river to the Orinoco, in the department of Vichada, until reaching Venezuelan territory for not being well restrained It is not the first time that a poorly secured rope is blamed.


u201cThis reminded me of the tragedy when 2 soldiers died in Medell u00edn because the rope on which they were hung was released of a helicopter and that the explanation was that the knot u201d was loosened, Ochoa referenced initially.


Then, he launched his attack: u201c u00bfBut who is it that taught them how to tie the knots to the military ?, u00bfqui u00e9n does that little curse? As they say out there: u2018Once it is learning and 2 times it is stupid, u2019, and there are 2 u201d.



n n Lanchas de la Armada Nacional n n



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Meanwhile, the columnist Felipe Zuleta He added in the same sense that that of the motorboats reaches the category of scandal: It is a bullshit of typical proportions;Everything that happened went wrong, like the stakes they put in and the terrain they chose. [para el amarre] u201d.


The boats were adrift when they were looked after by a single sentinel, Admiral Evelio Ram u00edrez, commander of the National Navy, reported in the same media.


Meanwhile, Jorge Arreaza, chancellor of the Nicol u00e1s Maduro regime, repeatedly warned that the boats are in the possession of his country and that he expects Colombia to request them; however, the Iv u00e1n Duque government does not have formal relations with the Chavista leadership, which is why Admiral Ram u00edrez estimated that nearly 600 million pesos were lost between ships and weapons.

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In a video that was published on Instagram, the daughter of the former ex-congresswoman A u00edda Merlano went off at the ready against the person who made public some images for which she received messages in which they asked her if she was the one who appeared in the material that went viral.


Parts of the video recorded by Victoria Merlano to explain if she was indeed the one who appeared in the sexual recording were published by Caracol Radio to give way to the opinions of the journalists of that station.


u201cThere is a violation of their privacy and those who really should be at this time in the public arena were those who published and shared that video, especially the couple with whom [ella] Recorded, reproached Darcy Quinn. u201cIn the privacy of all of us because we are supposed to rule. This is a crime, typified, in addition. Pursued by the Prosecutor u00eda u201d.



u201cS u00ed, and ends up paying the duck herself and not the one who puts the video to circulate u201d, added the director of the news u20186 AM Hoy por hoy u2019, Gustavo G u00f3mez.


With his brief comment, he gave way to M u00e1bel Lara, who also expressed his opinion: u201cAll the reason. What she does with her private and sexual life is inconsequential to the country. However, what you are arguing is very true. Who should answer is who records the video because it violated a norm. If it were another scenario in which it was not A u00edda Victoria Merlano, the daughter of A u00edda Merlano, then she violated an agreement between the two, private, secret u201d.


u201c u00c9l should respond u201d, added, bluntly, Lara. u201cAnd that double standard that we Colombians have, in addition, to end the dignity of the women that supposedly appear in videos, and we began to rotate, to rotate with that morbidness. This time, she is absolutely right about what her sexuality and her relationship means. U201d.


The jurist Hernando Herrera also participated in the conversation, although with a very realistic nuance. Absolutely blameworthy. I agree with what Darcy and M u00e1bel have pointed out. A woman and a man have every right in the privacy to trust and additionally not to betray them. And that typifies irregular conduct u201d.


u201cBut we must not forget that Mrs. A u00f1da Victoria Merlano has several facets. This is one. And this is your privacy. But the other facet is precisely that which has to do with his eventual collaboration in his mother's escape. Ese es un hecho que yo quisiera resaltar, porque estos eventos a veces hacen borrar lo otro, y lo otro fue supremamente graveu201d, au00f1adiu00f3 Herrera.


Sin embargo, Gu00f3mez le precisu00f3: u201cPero una cosa es una cosa y otra cosa es otra cosau201d.


u201cClarou201d, admitiu00f3 Herrera: u201cUna cosa es la solidaridad que nos genera por el hecho de la difusiu00f3n irregular de este video y otra cosa la eventual responsabilidad que ella pudiera tener en la fuga de su madreu201d.


Sin embargo, queda una duda sobre si los periodistas vieron todo el video de Au00edda Victoria Merlano, pues dan por sentado que su00ed es de ella y que su pareja fue el que lo viralizu00f3.


La joven aclara en el minuto 5:28 de su video (de 6:34) que no es ella. u201cPor u00faltimo y aquu00ed tienen la respuesta, que fue a eso a lo que vinieron: no, no soy yo la del video. Y en mi vida no habru00eda habido ninguna diferencia si hubiese sido you201d, dijo.


Tambiu00e9n contu00f3 que detru00e1s de ese video u201chay una persona que estu00e1 pasu00e1ndola realmente malu201d, con la que ella dice que se comunicu00f3 por telu00e9fono. u201cTiene una familia que estu00e1 sufriendo, y sufriendo mucho [u2026], que estu00e1 teniendo que sufrir las consecuencias de un acto que no le estaba haciendo dau00f1o a nadie y que, aparte de eso, es viejou201d.


Como sea, todos tienen la razu00f3n: ella y los periodistas que las respaldan, en este caso.

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u201cTenemos casos que han sido oportunamente identificados, casos que estu00e1n en el proceso de aislamiento, casos que no son graves; algunos han cumplido la cuarentena y han salido satisfactoriamente, es decir, superando el COVID-19u201d, aseguru00f3 Ramu00edrez en una rueda de prensa a la que asistiu00f3 Noticias RCN.


El comandante agregu00f3 que se mantiene un control diario para minimizar la propagaciu00f3n del coronavirus entre el personal de la Armada.


A pesar de que el almirante no mencionu00f3 el nu00famero de infectados, CM& conociu00f3u00a0que se trataru00eda de al menos 13 casos positivos, entre los cuales estu00e1n los cocineros y u201calgunos oficialesu201d.



Ambos medios seu00f1alaron que los casos positivos estu00e1n en el buque ARC Independiente, que permanece en cuarentena en Cartagena con 90 personas. De acuerdo con CM&, este buque habu00eda zarpado hacia San Andru00e9s, pero regresu00f3 a Cartagena al descubrir que varios tripulantes presentaron su00edntomas de coronavirus.


El Universal de Cartagena reportu00f3 que ademu00e1s del ARC Independiente, habru00eda mu00e1s buques con personal contagiado, como el ARC La Victoria.

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u201cSomos un gremio que estu00e1 cerrado desde el 20 de marzo. Ya llevamos dosu00a0meses completamente cerrados; estamos en una situaciu00f3n cru00edtica, necesitamos que el Gobierno congele los arrendamientosu201d, manifestu00f3 uno de los comerciantes, que no fue identificado, en un video difundido por Noticias RCN.u00a0u00a0


El hombre expresu00f3 su descontento, ya que la falta de clientes en el centro comercial de tecnologu00eda les estu00e1 jugando una mala pasada, y para rematar, ni las inmobiliarias ni las aseguradoras les quieren ayudar.u00a0u00a0



u201cSon arrendamientos de entre 2 millones y 15 millones, ya llevamos dos meses cerrados y no nos dan ninguna soluciu00f3n, estu00e1n las inmobiliarias y las aseguradoras, ninguno nos presta atenciu00f3nu201d, au00f1adiu00f3 en ese informativo.u00a0u00a0


De igual forma, piden que se haga una modificaciu00f3n sustancial en los arrendamientos para los pru00f3ximos meses, ya que, segu00fan ellos u201cel comercio no se va a reactivar prontou201d, agregu00f3 Caracol Radio.u00a0u00a0u00a0


La peticiu00f3n final de los comerciantes afectados fue la de permitir la reapertura paulatina en este centro comercial, cumpliendo con las normas de bioseguridad que se establezcan, apuntu00f3 esa emisora.u00a0u00a0


Este miu00e9rcoles, la Asociaciu00f3n de Centros Comerciales de Colombia hizo un detallado documento con 6 puntos clave para reabrir lugares a nivel nacional. Este protocolo estu00e1 muy cerca de ser aceptado por el Gobierno Nacional, manifestu00f3 esa agremiaciu00f3n.u00a0



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Se desplomu00f3 por borracho, pero muchos creyeron que habu00eda muerto de COVID-19","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Borracho tendido en un andu00e9n."},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Niu00f1a de 3 au00f1os falleciu00f3 por coronavirus con su00edntomas no comunes, en Nariu00f1o","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Niu00f1a coronavirus Colombia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Aparece video (guardado) que probaru00eda que Pablo Escobar quiso matar a u00c1lvaro Uribe","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Pablo Escobar y u00c1lvaro Uribe"}]}];
var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP898033","titles":{"main":"Solo grandes capitales habru00edan recibido autorizaciu00f3n para reanudar liga colombiana","facebook":"#Atenciu00f3n Falta que los equipos acepten.","seo":"Gobierno propone a Bogotu00e1, Cali, Barranquilla y Medellu00edn para el FPC"},"phrases":{"main":"Se trata de las 4 ciudades mu00e1s importantes del pau00eds: Bogotu00e1, Cali, Barranquilla y Medellu00edn; cada una albergaru00eda a 5 equipos pertenecientes a su regiu00f3n."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"deportes","name":"Deportes"}},"urls":{"main":"/deportes/gobierno-propone-bogota-cali-barranquilla-medellin-para-fpc-PP898033"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"","name":"Edwin Cau00f1on"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 13, 2020 10:11 am","updated":1589365766,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Balu00f3n","credit":"Balu00f3n del FPC / Foto: Facebook @GoltySports","description":"","alt":"Balu00f3n","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["Fu00fatbol","Fu00fatbol colombiano","Gobierno Nacional","Liga BetPlay"],"sources":[{"title":"Mau00f1anas Blu","url":"","source":"Blu Radio","fuente":"Blu Radio"}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

Segu00fan Tito Puccetti, periodista de Blu Radio, el Gobierno le informu00f3 a la Dimayor que daru00eda el aval para que se retome el torneo profesional si se utilizan las sedes en cuestiu00f3n, pues poseen estadios con 4 camerinos, entre otras facilidades logu00edsticas.


En consecuencia, Dimayor y sus equipos afiliados deben dar una respuesta, ya que el mismo Gobierno propone un campeonato dividido en 4 pentagonales regionales, de donde saldru00edan 8 clasificados para la siguiente fase.


Bogotu00e1 cuenta con el estadio El Campu00edn; Cali, con el Pascual Guerrero; Medellu00edn con el Atanasio Girardot; y Barranquilla, con el Metropolitano.



n n Estadio El Campu00ednn n



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u00bfGobierno vio crudo el protocolo? Piden a Dimayor varias cosas para regreso del fu00fatbol



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Ademu00e1s, cada ciudad posee escenarios alternos, como Techo, en Bogotu00e1; el estadio del Cali, en Palmira; el Romelio Melu00e9ndez, en Barranquilla; y los estadios de Envigado e Itagu00fcu00ed, en Medellu00edn.


Now, faltaru00eda que los alcaldes den el permiso respectivo y presten los escenarios, para lo que ya se adelantaron con su u2018su00edu2019 los mandatarios de Cali y Medellu00edn.

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Delatan a Quintero por filtrar instrucciones u2018suciasu2019 de Gallardo, su DT","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Juan Fernando Quintero y Marcelo 'Muu00f1eco' Gallardo"}],"fecha":"2020/05/13","fecha2":"13/05/2020","cxensedate":"2020-05-13T10:11:10Z"};
