Government opens the door so that private individuals can buy vaccines – Government – Politics


The National Government left the door open this Wednesday to the possibility that interested private parties can buy the vaccine against the COVID-19.

This was made clear in the framework of the television program Prevention and Action, where the president Ivan Duque and the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruiz placeholder image, they referred to the issue.

(You may be interested: Adel Mass, the 92-year-old man who received the millionth vaccine)

The minister stressed that this Wednesday they had a meeting with representatives of the Union Committee, Andi, Pro Bogotá, Pro Antioquia and Pro Pacífico as well as with representatives of other unions to discuss this matter.

It was determined to establish work tables specifically to analyze the possibility that the private sector can start buying the vaccine; to support the process carried out by the Government, but also to be able to protect company workers and their families.

(Also read: 4,554 new cases and 130 more deaths in Colombia from covid-19)

Of course, the minister was clear that everything within the scope of the intervention of the action of the National Vaccination Plan.


President Iván Duque.

Requirements for the acquisition of vaccines

After the National Government presented its vision regarding the possible participation of the private sector in the acquisition of vaccines, the parties concluded that for the materialization of this project, companies must meet some requirements:

  1. That the vaccines accessed by the private sector are those authorized by Invima.
  2. That the private companies have the capacity to comply with all the storage and cold chain conditions established by the Ministry of Health.
  3. That the companies guarantee that the vaccination is carried out by duly qualified and trained health personnel.
  4. Have an additional and complementary vaccination network to that used in the National Vaccination Plan.
  5. Have insurance policies and comply with the entire vaccination informed consent protocol.
  6. Commit to record the information of those vaccinated in the Mi Vacuna and PAIWEB systems

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But to define in more detail how the vaccine will be acquired, what the requirements will be for it and how the inoculation processes would be developed, Minister Ruiz confirmed that a work table will be installed with the private sector.

“A work table to look at the option of purchasing vaccines by the private sector, with the sole objective of being able to protect company workers and their families, under the vision of companies that want to carry out this type of operation”, he assured.

Ruíz also announced that A resolution will be issued that opens the possibility of negotiations by private entities with vaccine providers.

Although the Ministry considers that the participation of private companies is not ruled out to the extent that it was included in a decree, it says that some concerns must be overcome.

Among the doubts that must be resolved what is the feasibility, the effective possibility of this purchase and how will the acquisition by the private parties be.

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Vaccination in Providencia

The National Government also announced this Wednesday that Providencia and Santa Catalina will proceed to a “unification of stages”, which means that all residents of those two islands will be vaccinated.

Minister Ruiz said that Providencia and Santa Catalina have practically zero cases of covid, but they are at risk to the extent that many people will arrive from the continent for the reconstruction process in the next few years.

