Government opens line of credit for sports schools and clubs affected by Covid-19


The President of the Republic, Iván Duque Márquez, in his speech this Friday reported on the new figures presented in the country and in the world as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19).

The head of state referred to the considerations that must be taken into account in the framework of the Mandatory Preventive Isolation where the behavior and citizen culture will mark the success that can be reaped as a country.

At the same time, he addressed sports and activities that can be carried out under the respective protection protocols. He also recalled the conditions and care so that children between 6 and 17 years old can go out for half an hour, three days a week.

The Prime Minister invited the Minister of Sport, Ernesto Lucena, to his work table to inform Colombians about the alliance between his ministry and the Agrarian Bank, which has the name ‘Avanza Colombia’ where this sector will have a line specialized to help them face the coronavirus crisis.

“This program is very important because it exalts these people who are in this sector that has been depressed and affected by this Mandatory Preventive Isolation and the objective is to see it as a priority,” said Lucena.

For his part, the president of the Agrarian Bank, Francisco José Mejía explained: ” This is a line of credit that goes up to three years in a six-month grace period that can be accessed by independent workers (micro, small and medium-sized companies). ) ”.

According to Mejía, this is going to be through the National Guarantee Fund, which are lines of credit that the Government made available to banks, because they allow credit to be given at soft rates and very favorable conditions to all people who are affected by the coronavirus crisis.

“The complete information can be consulted on the official website of the Ministry of Sport, there you can leave your data and they transmit that information to us, then in the next 24 hours a bank advisor will guide you to attach all the documentation,” he explained. the president of BanAgrario.

Duque Márquez also invited several athletes, including skater ‘Chechi’ Baena, tennis player Juan Sebastián Cabal and cyclist Rigoberto Urán, to talk about their experience as athletes.

Finally, the Minister of Health and Protection, Fernando Ruiz, referred to the serious crisis that occurs in the Villavicencio prison, which has affected 690 inmates who have tested positive for coronavirus in this prison center for the time being and reported on the strategy that was implemented to address this serious situation.
