Government opened a call for entrepreneurs to access one of the 1,000 .co domains for free


The national government will deliver 1,000 .co domain registration kits to Colombian companies or enterprises in the ideation stage.  Photo: Europa Press.
The national government will deliver 1,000 .co domain registration kits to Colombian companies or enterprises in the ideation stage. Photo: Europa Press.

During the inauguration of CEmprende in Barranquilla, President Iván Duque announced that the national government, headed by the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications (MinTic) and iNNpulsa Colombia, will deliver 1,000 .co domain registration kits to Colombian companies or enterprises in the ideation stage, which do not have a presence in the digital ecosystem.

The situation caused by covid-19 has forced entrepreneurs to promote the use of technologies to strengthen their businesses, generate income and stay afloat. Therefore, this package will allow them to effectively promote their brand, support marketing and generate impact on new customers and users.“Said the ICT Minister, Karen Abudinen.

At the event, the president explained that the objective of this initiative is to ensure that 1,000 Colombian companies or enterprises can be connected to the digital world and, likewise, he said that Those who apply to the project will have free access to the domains, which may be .co or

Those who take advantage of the benefit, will not pay for the accommodation for a year and will receive, in addition, a gig to be able to have storage capacity, three emails and support on the e-commerce platform (electronic businesses) that we have”, Explained President Iván Duque.

The ICT minister added that “this package will allow them to carry out an effective promotion of their brand, support marketing and generate impact on new customers and users”, and also announced that the first 200 domains would be delivered in the city of Barranquilla.

How can you access this benefit?

1. Register in the form found on the page

2. Your application will be evaluated by iNNpulsa Colombia.

3. If you are assigned one of the 1,000 available .co domains, you will receive an email with a code and a website where you can redeem the benefit and register your domain name.

Take into account that only one domain will be delivered per selected beneficiary.

Government announces strategic alliance with ‘500 startups’

At the same event, President Duque announced an alliance with ‘500 startups’, an accelerator in Silicon Valley, with which they seek to bet on the formation of accelerators in the country, that is, companies that promote startups in Colombia through a program of calls.

Today I also want to highlight that CEmprende was born here in the Golden Gate, in a strategic alliance with the most important accelerator in Silicon Valley, which is 500 Startups. And that is a demonstration of betting on Colombia, on Colombian talent”, Said the president.

The president of iNNpulsa Colombia, Ignacio Gaitán, explained that the company “She will be in charge of training all the accelerators in Colombia, and of accompanying them on capital funds issues, since the country needs to mature on the issue of funds”.
