Government maintains that it will not ask travelers for covid tests – Health


After the eleventh administrative court of the Bogotá circuit ratified its decision that the PCR test should be requested from travelers entering the country and that they must also keep isolation for 14 days, the Ministry of Health indicated that it is “impossible to comply” with the guardianship required to comply with this procedure.

In this way, the Government indicates that it remains in its position of not requiring a negative PCR test from travelers arriving in Colombia.

“The orders issued by the judge put the Ministry of Health in a condition of non-compliance with said ruling. The impact that these orders generate on the health control strategy that we have developed this year, supported by decrees and structured resolutions, as well as the limitation that is generated on the sanitary authority leads us to make this decision, “said Minister Fernando Ruiz.

“For the people who are traveling to Colombia we say that while this situation supplies the entire process legal authorities will be able to continue coming without showing the PCR test or being subjected to a mandatory 14-day quarantine, “added the minister.

(Also read: Requirement of negative test to travelers, a debate that does not land)

Minister Ruiz made this announcement in the program ‘Prevention and action’, in which President Iván Duque added on the subject: “The argument is the impossibility because it is a measure contrary to the scientific decision, supported, supported and framed in criteria evolutionary to how the pandemic has been dealt with. This is a clear message: here there is no interest other than to continue advancing in a strategy in which life and health prevail and maintain a safe reactivation, in accordance with the Organization’s guidelines World Health Organization (WHO) “.

Just yesterday, Jean Marc Gabostou, WHO international adviser on health emergencies, reiterated the position of that organization not to recommend the application of laboratory tests to the entry or exit of international travelers. “There are several factors: the limitations of the currently available technologies, including PRC molecular tests, applied in
asymptomatic individuals can be falsely negative and therefore no
provides the information we would need to screen travelers ”,

argued the expert.

Gabostou stated that the measure is not effective given the low sensitivity of the disease in the incubation period, that is, in the first 3 to 5 days of infection, and it has been shown that this factor promotes the circulation of documents with results of the counterfeit test. “Additionally, the individual can become infected between the time the test was taken and the trip and the test can be negative,” he noted.

He stated that statistically travelers are one of the sectors with the lowest
probability of carrying the virus, even more than those of its population of origin.
“In countries with community transmission, as is the case of Colombia, the
travelers do not represent a significant increase in cases in the countries of
destination ”, he specified.

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However, this Thursday the court ratified the sense of the guardianship ruling and even in the nine-page decision he gave a term of 96 hours counted from the notification for the authorities to initiate compliance with the order.

He also ordered that people who have a test taken for a term
longer than 48 hours, even if it is a negative result, must comply with the
14-day preventive isolation.
“The above, because the traveler can
have a viral load that so far is replicating, in other words,
fulfilling the viral replication time “, says the clarification.

And he insisted that the test will be required of all passengers including children of
2 years on and that it is not up to your office to tell the Ministry how to “comply with the referred sentence.”

With this determination, Minister Ruiz is on the verge of a process of contempt, taking into account that the office gives a term of 96 hours counted from the notification of the decision to start the fulfillment of the order.

The decision, in addition to the fact that it could land him in jail for a few days, has other legal consequences.

