Government launches new warning for agglomerations due to increase in Covid-19


This Thursday, President Iván Duque called attention to the increase in infections by Covid-19 in the country, warning of the risk posed by crowds and the relaxation of biosafety measures in the midst of the pandemic.

“Today we had an increase in cases and we have found that many of these have arisen in municipalities where in a period between 9 and 7 days there have been agglomerations. We were seeing in some departments and municipalities that, as they were lagging behind in handling the pandemic, have been increasing contagion”Said Duque.

In turn, the Vice Minister of Health Luis Alexander Moscoso I classify crowds and meetings as one of the main sources of risk of contagion of coronavirus.

“In the departments and areas where we had increased parties and meetings in SeptemberUnfortunately we saw loss of life afterwards, ”Moscoso said.

The Representative in Colombia for the Pan American Health Organization Gina Tambini warned that globally there has been an accelerated increase in Covid-19 cases once isolation and distancing was eliminated.

“We cannot allow everything we have achieved in Colombia to decline, but that rThe risk of spread can be mitigated if preventive measures are taken adequate that we already know, ”Tambini said.

According to the Ministry of Health fatality in the country has remained low, an indicator that started above 4 and is close to 2.8. The seroprevalence studies that are being carried out will give a more exact measure of what the fatality is in Colombia.

For the National government the cStrict quarantine is not the scenario currently being contemplated, but to continue the application of biosecurity measures in a reopening process, with a clear control over everything that involves crowds in public or private spaces, such as extended family events that are the ones that generate the greatest difficulty.

However, in the scenario that a regrowth with an accelerated rising peak a confinement measure could be taken.
