Government established protocol for the sale of liquor in bars and restaurants


September 08, 2020 – 08:08 pm

Newsroom of El País

The National Government, through Resolution 1569, lifted the ban on the sale of liquors for consumption in restaurants and bars.

This category represents about 40% of sales in restaurants, 50% in gastrobars, 85% in bars and 100% in discos.

In accordance with the provisions of the central government, this protocol is the first step to give free rein to the sale of liquor, which will be authorized by the Ministry of the Interior.

The monitoring of compliance with this protocol is in charge of the Ministry of Health of the municipality where the establishment is located.

The protocols are basically the same as those that have been used, such as: taking a temperature, screening, wearing a mask (mandatory), washing hands, keeping your distance and bringing a minimum of 60% glycerinated alcohol.

It should be mentioned that one of the points of this resolution stipulates that it is forbidden to dance inside the establishment or in areas that are established to provide this service.

In addition, he informed that the establishments that wish to offer this service again will have to process the permit with the Mayor’s Offices, who will be in charge of verifying that the protocols established by the Ministry of Health are met.

Manuel Pineda, president of Asobares, Valle chapter, and Acoes, the Association of Merchants and Entrepreneurs of Cali, told El País that there are about 1,500 establishments in the capital of Valle that benefit from this decision.

“The union welcomes this news with great happiness. We are awaiting authorization from the Vice Minister of the Interior so that we can begin the second phase of the pilot plan,” he said.

You can read: Vaccine against covid-19: what is known about the one that will be tested in Colombia?

According to Pineda, the second phase of the pilot plan will begin to be implemented according to the guidelines established by the Ministry of Health and will be accompanied by the Municipal Administration.

“We have spoken with the Mayor to resume the format of the ‘Aguaelulos’ while we give time to all the establishments so that they can implement the biosafety protocols,” he said.

Regarding the most recent events of disorder in the city, the president of Asobares commented that within the ‘Aguaelulo’ there was 100% compliance with protocols.

“Within the ‘Aguaelulos’ of Parque Alameda and Bulevar del Río, the behavior was ideal. Although we do not know that in some areas of the city and at kilometer 18 there were problems, but that is beyond our control. We can guarantee everything within the pilot plan, “he said.

resolution bars
resolution bars

Regarding the date of implementation of this phase, Pineda pointed out that if the authorization of the Ministry of the Interior arrives before this Thursday, September 10, the ‘Aguaelulos’ may be retaken, with sale of liquor, starting this weekend .

“If the authorization does not arrive before Thursday, the second phase we would begin the following weekend (September 18, 19 and 20) because we have to guarantee compliance with all biosafety protocols and that takes time, we cannot improvise” , he detailed.

Finally, the leader of that union called on the community to respect all the protocols, since it depends on this that this phase is maintained.

“I want to call on the entire community to have good behavior. We need to show our civility because we have the eyes of the whole country on us. This authorization is a great responsibility and we have to show that we can. We do not want more jobs get lost “, he concluded.

It should be remembered that of the 50,419 people who have been infected with covid-19 in Valle del Cauca, 36,925 have recovered, according to the latest report from the Departmental Health Secretariat.
