Government authorizes road training for 50 professional cyclists who will participate in international races • La Nación


The Minister of Sport will deliver to the Ministry of Health a package of protocols that must be applied in all sports disciplines, including soccer.

President Iván Duque Márquez announced this Friday that the National Government designed protocols to allow the training, on the road, of 50 professional cyclists who will participate in the three great races of the International Cycling Union (UCI): Tour de France, Giro d’Italia and Back to Spain.

The Head of State explained that as a consequence of covid-19, cycling figures such as Egan Bernal, Nairo Quintana, Miguel Ángel ‘Superman’ López and Rigoberto Urán, among others, have had to submit to Mandatory Preventive Isolation, which has been ” complex ”for your preparation.

“Protocols have been designed so that they can regain their ability to train. It is a very limited group, we are talking about 50 athletes, approximately, who are preparing for these great competitions, “said the President in the television program” Prevention and Action. “

In the same context, he added that the example of these athletes will be studied so that these protocols may eventually be applied to other disciplines.

In this regard, the Minister of Sport, Ernesto Lucena, stressed that the need for these professional cyclists to return to the roads “is a priority.”

Therefore, Lucena assured that next week that step will be taken so that “they, with a lot of pedagogy and a lot of responsibility, only professional cyclists, can return to the roads to do that training cycle.”

Training from other disciplines

On the other hand, Minister Lucena highlighted that his portfolio will provide the Ministry of Health with a package of protocols that must be applied in all sports disciplines, including soccer, in order to allow training.

“There are three types of sports included: those with a high risk (of covid-19 infection), a medium risk and a low risk. We will analyze the low-risk ones, which can resume individual training, where those athletes can resume their activities, “said Minister Lucena.

Additionally, the head of the Sports portfolio referred to a request made by the captains of the professional teams of Colombian soccer, by which they request authorization to return to training.

“They say they are losing the performance curve, they are losing muscle mass and all the variables that are found in sports today. For this reason, we have begun to analyze this return to Colombian soccer training, which will be done hand in hand with the Ministry of Health and with the criteria they impose on us, “said Lucena.

Finally, he stressed that the steps being taken by the soccer leagues of other countries will be evaluated so that the athletes return to individual training.

“We have that frame of reference from other leagues so that football in Colombia, gradually, can have that return that we all long for, but with great responsibility and always putting the health of athletes above all,” concluded the Ministry of Sport.
