Government announces financial relief for the education sector


On Wednesday night, President Iván Duque during his speech explained the latest measures announced by the Government to deal with the coronavirus in the country.

Likewise, the President thanked the Government of Germany for the donation of 80 thousand tests and announced the attendance of expert teams to support Colombia in the fight against covid-19.

Additionally, the German ambassador delivered 1,000 protection and hygiene items for the protection of health personnel.

In the intervention of the Minister of Education, María Victoria Angulo, several educational relief plans were announced due to the emergency that occurs in the country.

The Government opened new lines of credit for basic and secondary education for one trillion pesos, and a line of credit for higher education for 1.5 trillion pesos.

«The allocation of $ 1 billion was determined for gardens and private schools that will allow covering up to 90% of the payroll, with a nationwide support of 80%, a grace period of six months, and a payment term of between 12 and 36 months “, explained the minister.

Similarly, the president of Icetex, Manuel Acevedo, also released a series of reliefs for the country’s education sector.

Acevedo explained that there will be interest reduction reliefs for students of strata 1, 2 and 3, who have a valid educational credit and study in 2020-2, now they will only pay the IPC.

Likewise, he assured that there will be a grace period until December 2020. This benefit, “May be taken simultaneously with the reduction of interest. It will go from 35,000 current beneficiaries to 66,000 ».

President Iván Duque also announced that there will be an additional 16.00 places to have a credit without a co-debtor.

During her speech, the Minister of the Interior, Alicia Arango, assured that the municipalities that want to be declared as non-covid must first comply with the protocols indicated by the Ministry of Health and then they will be able, voluntarily, to make the request to the Ministry of the Interior.
