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n "," commercial ": {" promoted ": {" name ":" "," slug ":" "," color ":" "," facebook ":" "," image ":" "," imageletter ":" "," imageblack ":" "}}," directtv ": {" mobile ":" "," desktop ":" "," link ":" "}," Custom_fields ": {" Directv " : "", "Promoted": ""}, "you can also interest":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"/nacion/cuarentena-claudia-lopez-nego-que-gobierno-duque-haya-dado-mercados-PP895966","title":"Nuevo u2018mensajitou2019 de Lu00f3pez al Gobierno por falta de apoyo para afectados por cuarentena","author":"","author_img":"","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Drama en Bogotu00e1: desalmados arrojan pertenencias de inquilina y la sacan con sus 3 hijos","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Mamu00e1 desalojada con sus hijos, en Bogotu00e1"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Se las llevu00f3 el ru00edo: curiosa versiu00f3n de Colombia sobre lanchas halladas en Venezuela","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Nicolu00e1s Maduro e Ivu00e1n Duque"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","image_msn":"","type":"article","link":"","title":"Le mutilaron mano de un machetazo por coqueto y en 14 horas los mu00e9dicos se la salvaron","author":"Pulzo","author_img":"Imagen de referencia","alt":"Mu00e9dicos salvan mano de venezolano agredido en Bucaramanga"}]}, {"id": "PP895943", "titles": {"main": "Coronell reveals photo of 'Pipo', the face of a company hired to improve Duque's image", "facebook": " u00bfQu u00e9 had to do with u00c1lvaro Uribe? "," seo ":" Coronell: photo of 'Pipo', face of company in charge of improving Duque's image "}," phrases ": {" main ":" His name is Pedro Sarmiento Charry, representative of Du Brands SAS, a company that has received billions from the Government, not only since the Presidency. "}," Categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nacion "," name ": "Naci u00f3n"}}, "urls": {"main": " / nacion / coronell-foto-pipo-cara-empresa-cargo-improve-imagen-duque-PP895943"}, "author": { "creator": {"user": "jimena.martinez", "name": "Jimena Martiinez"}, "owner": {"id": "", "name": "", "image": "" , "profile": "", "url": "", "twitter": {"title": "", "url": ""}, "urlFacebook": "", "email": "", " linkPersonal ":" "," teamPulzo ":" "," short_text ":" "," large_text ":" "}}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" article "," censorship ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," ext ":" jpg "," created ": 1589099861," updated ": 1589099861," i mages ": {" meta ": {" title ":" u00c1lvaro Uribe, former president and senator, and Iv u00e1n Duque, president. "," credit ":" AFP. "," description ":" Daniel Coronell reveals photo of 'Pipo', the company face in charge of improving the image of Iv u00e1n Duque and who previously worked with u00c1lvaro Uribe. "," alt ":" u00c1lvaro Uribe, former president and senator, and Iv u00e1n Duque, Presidente. "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20200510083052 /alvaro-uribe-expresident-y-senador-e-ivan-duque- Presidente.webp "}, "types": {"thumb": "https: / / / images / 20200510083052 /alvaro-uribe-expresident-y-senador-e-ivan-duque-president-150x150.webp "," mobile ":" https: / / / images / 20200510083052 /alvaro-uribe-expresident-y-senador-e-ivan-duque-president-280x185.webp "," medium ":" https: / / / images / 20200510083052 /alvaro-uribe-expresident-y-senador-e-ivan-duque-president-420x278.webp "," large ": "https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfront .net / images / 20200510083052 /alvaro-uribe-expresident-y- senator-e-ivan-duque- Presidente-900x485.webp "," vertical ":" https: / / /images/20200510083052/alvaro-uribe-exandante-y-senador-e-ivan-duque- Presidente-240x320.webp "," opening ":" https: / / / images /20200510083052/alvaro-uribe-expresident-y- senator-e-ivan-duque-president-592x350.webp","gif":""▲nex,"videos":fix"main":fix"image ": "", "url": "", "title": "", "embeded": ""}}, "externalUrl": "", "carousel": "0", "trinoTW": "@DCoronell column in #LosDanieles about Du Brands SAS, a company hired to improve the image of President Duque. "," liveBlog ":" 0 "," shorthand ":" "," audio ":" https: / / / pulzo-lite / audios /PP895943.mp3 "," tags ":["u00c1lvaro Uribe Vu00e9lez","Daniel Coronell","Ivu00e1n Duque"], "sources":[{"title":"El fundador","url":"","source":"Los Danieles"},{"title":"Du Brands SAS suscribiu00f3 contratos por mu00e1s de $ 27.000 millones con entidades desde 2018","url":"","source":"Blu Radio"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

Sarmiento, says Coronell in your recent column, u201cno is an expert in digital communication, but a logistical organizer of events u201d.


u201cGet pallets, handle sound and lights, operate the video wall, hand out the sodas and make everything work at a concert or fair. That is no small feat, but it does not make him an expert in digital communication, he adds.


It also points out that man has had a relationship with former president u00c1lvaro Uribe V u00e9lezWell, he was one of those who organized his democratic workshops for him. It is more, the image that Coronell published within his text in Los Danieles is of u2018Pipo u2019, in profile, in one of those events.


Foto de Pedro Sarmiento Charry, 'Pipo', representante de Du Brands SAS, publicada por Daniel Coronell.
Photo by Pedro Sarmiento Charry, 'Pipo', representative of Du Brands SAS, published by Daniel Coronell.

In the details about the visible face of said company, the journalist also mentions that his relationship with the firm could be more than just working as a representative.


Du Brands has known that for five months it has been controlled by another SAS called Grace of the Father SAS. The change of control was made on December 30, 2019 u2013 u00bfwhy would you like both to reform companies in festive periods? U2013 and the capital of Gracia del Padre, just 10 million pesos at the time it was founded in 2017, was u2018Pipo u2019 and Alejandra Helena de la Hoz Moreno for halves. It is not possible to know if it continues like this or if it has changed, he explained.



n n Daniel Coronell, periodista, e Ivu00e1n Duque, presidente de Colombia. n n



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This is not the first time that the name of u2018Pipo u2019 has surfaced in the media after learning of the contract to improve the image of President Duque on social networks. U00a0


Blu Radio also mentioned it in notes where it refers to the money that the Government has given to Du Brands, beyond the 3,350 million pesos for the project of the image of the Colombian president, which u00a0Presidential Communications Advisor Hassan Nassar denied that he was paid with resources for the coronavirus, since the services of this firm have been provided for 2 years and focus on doing all the digital communication of the Casa de Nari u00f1o.


u201cThese added contracts exceed 27.00 million pesos. That without counting that, according to sources consulted by Blu Radio, this company legally represented by Pedro Javier Sarmiento Charry, It will also have contracts with the Ministry of Transport, the Department for Social Prosperity, RTVC, the Icfes, the Comptroller and the Ministry of Foreign Relations. u201d, the station wrote this week, after publishing images of contracts between Du Brands and Fontur and the Peace Fund, among other entities.

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A video that circulates on social networks shows the time when a whale shark is released into the sea from that samarian township after being trapped in the fishing line of some fishermen who were doing their work there.


The u00a0recording is collected by Sustainable Week, means that indicates that the heroic gesture of the fishermen it happened near the bay of Punta Aguja, how far did the young man go? Fish more than 5 meters long, which during this time makes a presence in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, is in search of food u201d.






In the video it is observed how the 4 fishermen, once on the beach, coordinate to as u00ed free the great shark from the net and even flip it over and push it into the sea, after which they shout excitedly for the act that, immediately, allowed the fish to enter the waters of the Colombian Caribbean again.



This species of aquatic animal u201ces the largest shark in the world u201d and u201cel the largest fish in the sea u201d, and its presence u201c works as an indicator of the health of the ocean and ecosystems u201d, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) portal points out.


u201c Very high prices are paid for their guts, meat and oil. u00a0 Demand in international markets is high and whale sharks continue to be fished to meet this demand, especially in those areas where they are fished u00edas are not regulated or the regulations are not followed u201d, specifies that international organization.


For these reasons, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), this species of shark is on the verge of extinction, WWF quote.

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While the teacher Humberto de la Cruz was giving his explanation to the students, through the Zoom video call platform; one of his students was given to sabotage him, taking advantage of his advanced age. u00a0 u00a0


u201cProfessor, I don't hear you right, press u00a0Ctrl u00a0 + F4 to activate the microphone u201d, the teenager pointed out. However, it was a lie. u00a0 u00a0



By following the student's prompts, the teacher ended up closing the browser window, so all the students were laughing while the teacher didn't know what had happened. u00a0 u00a0


At that time he was helped by his son, who explained what had happened and was the one who viralized the video., accompanied by a powerful message. u00a0


u201cWith great patience my sister and I have helped him. We are your u2018staff u2019 of collaborators, attentive to any unforeseen, so that some children of u00a0 comep u2026 u00a0y do something like this to him u201d, he wrote. u00a0


For now, heThe institution has not issued an official statement., but The portal u00a0Yahoo u00a0News reported that u00a0 u201cthe students have already presented their apologies to the professor and the university community u201d.











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In his column in The Spectator, Yohir u00c1kerman refers to a document dated January 20, which That newspaper had already been referred to in an article on April 14.And what does the columnist narrate? Ten elements that demonstrate that the Army's victims for false positives were carefully chosen and selected for certain traits u201d.



n n Imagen de referencia del Eju00e9rcito / Maru00eda Jimena Duzu00e1n n n



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This is a report that, according to u00c1kerman, was presented to the JEP by the Jos u00e9 Alvear Restrepo Collective (CAJAR) and the Committee of Solidarity with Political Prisoners, after those organizations heard 40 versions of 32 former members of the La Popa Battalion where they reviewed u201c146 victims who were extrajudicially executed between 2002 and 2005 u201d.


u201cThe selection criteria for deaths u201d, says the journalist in his opinion piece, It includes things as simple as being undocumented, having a background, being a minor, or low-income, like waste pickers and street dwellers.


In that u201cselection u201d u201d, the columnist continues, it included Indigenous people, people identified as being guerrillas or demobilized, disabled and LGBTI community.


And regarding the last thing, the opinioner emphasizes in the testimony given by a military man on December 7, 2007 in Valledupar, who u201cconfesso u00f3 who executed a young man who approached them to speak, simply because he looks u201c as gay u201d. The objective, what a novelty, was to present him later as a guerrilla killed in combat.


But u00c1kerman goes further and even relates these events to the investigation published by Semana magazine on May 1 and in which he points out to the aforementioned group of lawyers among the organizations that would have been illegally followed by members of the Army.


According to the communicator, u201cel Army was profiling, spying and sucking u201d the CAJAR u201c to know the strategy of defense of the victims of false positives u201d.



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But also, in his column, u00c1kerman insists on the question of u201cwho or who has been the recipient of this illegal information u201d and, immediately afterwards, draws attention to the u201ccercana u201d friendship between Senator Mar u00eda Fernanda Cabal and her husband, Jos u00e9 F u00e9lix Lafaurie, with Colonel Publio Hern u00e1n Mej u00e9rrez, who was commander of the aforementioned battalion when the aforementioned false positives occurred.


Finally, the journalist remembers that former President u00c1lvaro Uribe expressed, at the time, his support for Colonel Mej u00eda for the book he wrote in 2016 from prison, where the military man is serving a 19-year prison sentence for alliances with paramilitarism.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id": "PP895974", "titles": {"main": "Poignant bridal quotes from u2018Boyacom u00e1n u2019 in Mother's Day, after losing baby u00e9", " facebook ":" Mention the baby and the loving way he calls him now that he is in heaven. "," seo ":" Mother's Day: girlfriend message 'Boyacom u00e1n 'about baby he lost "", "phrases": {"main": "Eliana Alzate wrote the message on her public Instagram account, where she mentioned to the little one she lost this month, seven months into its gestation. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" entertainment "," name ":" Entertainment "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / entertainment / mother-day-message-girlfriend-buoycoman-about-baby-who-lost-PP895974 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" jimena.martinez ", "name": "Jimena Martiinez"}, "owner": {"id": "", "name": "", "image": "", "profile": "", "url": "", "twitter": {"title": "", "url": ""}, "urlFacebook": "", "email": "", "linkPersonal": "", "teamPulzo": "", "short_text ":" "," large_tex t ":" "}}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" article "," censorship ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," ext ":" jpg "," created ":" May 10, 2020 10:24 am "," updated ": 1589106287," images ": {" meta ": {" title ":" 'Boyacom u00e1n', humorist, with his girlfriend Eliana Alzate. ", "credit": "Instagram eliana_alzate.", "description": "Message from u2018Boyacom u00e1n u2019's girlfriend about D u00eda de la Madre, after losing baby u00e9.", "alt": "'Boyacom u00e1n ', humorist, with his girlfriend Eliana Alzate. "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20200510101936 / boyacoman-humorista-with-his-girlfriend-eliana-alzate. webp "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / / images / 20200510101936 /boyacoman-humorista-con-su-novia-eliana-alzate-150x150.webp "," mobile ":" https: / / / images / 20200510101936 /boyacoman-humorista-con-su-novia-eliana-alzate-280x185.webp "," medio ":" https: / / / images / 20200510101936 /boyacoman-humorista-con-su-novia-eliana-alzate-420x278.webp "," large ":" ht tps: / / / images / 20200510101936 /boyacoman-humorista-con-su-novia-eliana-alzate-900x485.webp "," vertical ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d / images / 20200510101936 /boyacoman-humorista-con-su-novia-eliana-alzate-240x320.webp "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20200510101936 /boyacoman-humorista-con-su-novia-eliana-alzate-592x350.webp "," gif ":" "}}," videos ": {" main ": {" image ":" ", "url": "", "title": "", "embeded": ""}}, "externalUrl": "", "carousel": "0", "trinoTW": "", "liveBlog": " 0 "," shorthand ":" "," audio ":" https: / / / pulzo-lite / audios /PP895974.mp3 "," tags ":["Boyacoman","Du00eda de la madre"], "sources":[{"title":"@eliana_alzate","url":"","source":"Instagram","fuente":"Instagram"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

u201c u00a1My best gift not only in this month of mothers, but in the time that God gives me to live will be to always remember you with all my love that you sowed in me! ud83e udd0d u201d, expressed the couple of the humorist of u2018S u00e1bado happy u2019.


Later, he also told her of the great love he has for his son, despite the fact that couldn't carry him in her arms, and revealed the way he calls it now that he is in heaven. u00a0


u201c I love you, my baby u00e9 u00e1ngel ud83d udc7c ud83c udffb ud83e udd0d u201d, Eliana wrote in the emotional u2018post u2019, which accompanied by a photograph in which she is with her eyes closed, smelling some white roses.



This is the second son that u2018Boyacom u00e1n u2019 and his girlfriend lose, because last year they also went through that painful moment.


Eliana's post in Mother's Day u00a0 has more than five thousand u2018I like u2019, as well as dozens of messages of support for her, and we share it below:





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