Gareth Sella, injured in Bogotá protests, tells how he was beaten and changed clothes


After leaving the Clinic where they could not regain the vision in his left eye, although he did not lose it, Gareth Sella spoke about how the events of last Wednesday happened in the protests in the center of Bogotá.

(You may be interested in: [Fotos] With covered eyes and lit candles, in Bogotá they protested the Gareth Sella case)

The 24-year-old confirmed that he belongs to the group of the blue shields, which is why he always tries to “stay away from the shock”, but was beaten when he tried to leave the protests.

In dialogue with the Canal Capital newscast, the audiovisual [vea acá parte de su perfil profesional y personal] He told how the moments before the coup were like.

“Behind me there are no protesters, no people throwing stones or anything. The idea is to defend the mobilization, but if there isn’t, then there’s no reason to win free hits either. When I go to turn down a street behind me there is already a group of police and Esmad. They were formed and they were already closing up those blocks to repress. As soon as I turned around to go down where all the people were going, he turned around and I received the impact from Esmad“, He expressed.

Although he did not fall or remain unconscious, the blow did affect him and he became “dizzy” and he began to think about the worst as he walked aimlessly between the streets of Carrera Séptima and Calle 23, where the events occurred.

“You know that an impact to the eye is something serious. It knows where it comes from. I realize that I do not see, he touched me and I am bleeding, I cannot control the movement of opening and closing, I despair and people start to see me very worried. I figured his eye was out or something. I got too scaredSella said.

The young man who belongs to the members of the first line of the blue shields, which is why he changed his clothes according to the videos published by the authorities, also explained this situation.

“That keeps me very calm. Knowing that I was always away from any act of violence makes me very calm. What you are going to find, and you must be supremely angry, is that I was walking ahead“He added.

(See here: the first video in which it was known how Gareth Sella was injured)

Sella knows that what is coming is a long process of investigations and expressed that this first video is a sample of “what will be the dynamics of them to make the process slow down”, although He assured that he will make a complaint because the damage affects his work “until he can live.”

In another talk with City TV, Sella stated that “there is little hope, because my eye does not perceive light“, But that this incident will not harm his future because“ I want to continue with my work, in my cinema and in that the country can change ”, reaffirming the video published the day after the event.
