Gallup: this is the approval of Duque, Claudia López, Daniel Quintero and leaders of Colombia – Government – Politics


55% of those surveyed said they disapprove of “the way Iván Duque is performing as president of Colombia. The rating on this item has an increase of three percentage points compared to July, according to the Gallup Poll survey by the firm Invamer, published in the last hours.

Mayor Claudia López registers a drop in her positive image, going from 84% in June to 71% this month. Down 13 points. In the same sense, its negative image grew from 14 to 25%.

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Meanwhile, the favorability of the president stood at 38%, according to the study by the same pollster. In the previous measurement, this had been 41%.

The number of people who disapprove of the President’s management increased from the previous figure in June of 52% to the figure of 55% in August.

With a 5% margin of error, the survey does not ask about the government’s handling of the new coronavirus, first detected in the country on March 6.

However, only 8% of those consulted believe that the pandemic “is the main problem that Colombia has at the moment.”

The popularity of the 44-year-old president had a rebound at the beginning of the health emergency, when in April he reached the highest approval to his management (52%) since he came to power on August 7, 2018.

Four months later and at a time when the country exceeds 20,300 deaths and 630,000 infections of Covid-19, Duque’s approval fell 14 percentage points.

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Although in the last month optimism increased, since 69% of those consulted believe that “things” in Colombia are getting worse, while in the previous measurement this item was 79%.

For their part, 20% feel that the situation is improving, nine percentage points more than in July.

The inhabitants of the country’s capital, meanwhile, 69% feel that things are getting worse, compared to 67% in June. Those who believe that things are improving fell one point, from 27 to 26%.

On the other hand, the favorable image of the mayor of Medellín, Daniel Quintero, fell by 13 points to 71%, and the negative image grew 11 points, from 14 to

The paisas had an important growth in the negative indicator compared to the situation of the city. 51% feel that things are getting worse, which represents an increase of 17 points compared to what was registered in June, when it was 34%. Likewise, the positive perception in the city of Medellín fell from 59 to 41%, almost 20 points.

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Instead, after overcoming the peak of the pandemic, Barranquilleros gave Mayor Jaime Pumarejo a vote of confidence regarding the last poll and believe that things are improving.

Pumarejo ranked third nationwide with a 70% approval rating. It had a 26-point rise in popularity ratings. In this way, he recovered the favorable image that he brought before the city was hit by the virus.

For her part, Elsa Noguera de la Espriella, governor of Atlántico, is consolidated as the one with the highest approval in the country with 75%, followed by Clara Luz Roldán, from Valle del Cauca (73%); Aníbal Gaviria, from Antioquia (58%), and Mauricio Aguilar, from Santander (50%).

The firm reported that it interviewed 1,200 people in the main cities of the country by telephone between August 22 and 31.

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