From today you can only leave home every other day in Bucaramanga


Between this December 30 and next January 16 in Bucaramanga there will be an even and odd ‘peak and card’, which restricts the mobility of the population, which also applies to entry into commercial establishments and public offices.

That is to say, during the next 17 days each Bumangués will be able to go out to the streets only every other day, since this measure limited the movements of citizens; Unlike what Governor Mauricio Aguilar ordered from last Monday.

Also read: This is how the peak and cedula and the curfew will govern

Aguilar decreed another type of “pico and cédula”, and said that the measure was imposed only to enter commercial establishments, financial entities, public offices and the like, but that mobility is allowed regardless of the cédula number.

But this Tuesday the Mayor of Bucaramanga decided to apply another ‘bill and cedula’, very different from the one ordered by the Governor. Said restriction in the Santander capital is imparted as follows:

If the day of the calendar is an even number, those citizens whose last digit of their identity card is even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) may take to the streets; and if it is an odd date, that day the person with the card ending in odd (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) can leave.

In such a way that, for example, today December 30, people with ID cards ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8. Tomorrow December 31, the turn to circulate on public roads is for those who have said identity document finished at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9.

José David Cavanzo, Secretary of the Interior of the Mayor’s Office of Bucaramanga, explained that “it was considered that it was the best decision, to compensate a little for the two-digit restriction that was proposed by the Department, and thus not affect so much trade and for that reason we allow the mobility of five daily digits ”.

According to what has been indicated, this decision that was adopted this Tuesday by decree in the ‘Beautiful City’ had the approval of the Ministry of the Interior.

Cavanzo made it clear that this new ‘peak and ID card’ restricts “movement around the municipality. That is, to leave the house, only those who are in the exceptions or are on their peak day and ID can do it.

“It is done in order to avoid crowds in public spaces, in parks, in commercial establishments, large stores and chains,” the official clarified.

The Army, Police and Municipal Administrations will once again strengthen controls to ensure that there are no people on the streets violating said mobility restriction, as indicated.

Outings to establishments

With the new ‘pico y cédula’ of Bucaramanga, some exceptions were also approved for the movements of those people who go to or return to and from certain establishments.

Through Decree 0430 of 2020, the Mayor’s Office of Bucaramanga specified that said measure has the following exceptions: “people who go to restaurants, bars, hotels, churches, lodging establishments for hours, sports establishments for rent for fractions of time, as long as they present a valid proof of reservation or prior appointment, issued by the establishment or to which they are directed ”.

Also exempt from this restriction are “those people who, due to the essential nature of their activities, must go to their workplaces in person and that the company has registered the worker on the platform”, according to said Decree.


This Tuesday the Government of Bucaramanga announced that such restriction is applied as follows:

From December 30 to January 16, 2021, the curfew is between 11:00 pm and 5:00 am

For the end of the year and the Three Kings Bridge, in addition to the curfew, the ‘Dry Law’ will also be imposed.

This December 31, both restrictions will be imposed from 9:00 pm, and will extend until 6:00 am next Saturday, January 2.

For the Puente de Reyes the curfew and the ‘Dry Law’ will last for 81 continuous hours. These measures will be applied from 9:00 pm on Friday, January 8, until 6:00 am on Tuesday, January 12.

Consumption of liquor in businesses

The sale and consumption of intoxicating beverages in commercial establishments in Bucaramanga continues as the economic reactivation plans come, and such activity is allowed until 10:00 pm

“The bars, restaurants, soda fountains and stores, from the pilot plans, continue to operate in the same way as they came. In the curfew from December 31 to January 2, and the weekend of the Kings Bridge there will be Prohibition and therefore the consumption or sale of liquor will not be allowed in any type of commercial establishment “, specified the Secretary of the Interior of the ‘Ciudad Bonita’.

Restrictions in the rest of the area

Come back and play. Once again, the lack of coordination between the authorities has the citizens of the metropolitan area confused in the face of the bio-security measures in force at the end and beginning of the year.

This Tuesday the governments of Girón and Piedecuesta confirmed that they adopted the ‘pico y cédula’ as announced last Monday by the Governor of Santander.

That is, in both municipalities this December 30, only those with identity documents ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 can enter public service establishments.

On December 31, the opportunity to enter customer service establishments is for those whose final digit of the ID ends in 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9.

Between January 2 and 8, 2021, the ‘pico y cédula’ will be two digits per day, as follows:

January 2: (digits 1 and 2)

January 3: (digits 3 and 4)

January 4: (digits 5 and 6)

January 5: (digits 7 and 8)

January 6: (digits 9 and 0)

January 7: (digits 1 and 2)

January 8: (digits 3 and 4)

It is necessary to clarify that, unlike in Bucaramanga, in Girón and Piedecuesta, the ‘peak and ID card’ is required only for entry to establishments, government agencies, public offices, shopping centers and similar places.

For the movements of citizenship there is no requirement of the ‘pico y cédula’, and people can leave their homes any day regardless of the ID number. Of course, there is total restriction on circulation during curfew.

The curfew in Girón and Piedecuesta is the same that is taught in Bucaramanga and ordered by Governor Aguilar.

Another significant difference is related to the consumption of liquor in commercial establishments. While in Bucaramanga it was allowed as it was, in Piedecuesta and Girón these activities were prohibited, at least until next January 12.

On Tuesday night the Mayor of Piedecuesta specified that “the pilots for the sale of liquor in bars and restaurants are suspended, taking into account that the sale of liquor is allowed until 10:00 pm.”

With regard to Floridablanca, until the closing of this edition the measures arranged for the next few days had not been confirmed. The Municipal Administration reported that the respective decree will be made public in the next few hours.
