From September 1, the parishioners will be able to return to the churches | THE UNIVERSAL


Cartagena continues to make its way in the economic reactivation and other services.

It was recently learned that the city’s churches may also open their doors from September 1, the date on which the selective isolation begins, in accordance with the indications of the President of the Republic and the Episcopal Conference of Colombia.

“This means that the itinerary that we were carrying out in the Archdiocese for the opening of the temples changes profoundly and has to accommodate the new indications that our authorities give us,” said Jorge Enrique Jiménez Carvajal, Archbishop of Cartagena.

According to the monsignor, all parishes may open from that day on, appealing to responsibility.

“I remind all the parish priests that each one of them is responsible for the steps that are going to be taken in their parish; the most delicate thing in this event is to save the lives of all the Catholic faithful we serve ”.

Next Monday, August 31, a meeting will be held with all the priests of the Archdiocese and with the laity of the Biosafety Commissions of the Parishes to define the final details.


Those attending the Eucharist or any other religious celebration should keep social distancing of 2 meters kitten between parishioners, to the sides as well as in the front and back.

They must also make mandatory use of the mask, avoid touching their faces, wash their hands when leaving the house, when arriving and leaving the temple or meeting place. In these spaces the temperature of the parishioners should be measured with a device that avoids direct contact and those with a temperature equal to or greater than 38 degrees Celsius, will not be allowed to enter.

Churches must be disinfected before and after use and ventilation must be natural, so doors and windows must remain open. In case the use of air conditioning is necessary, its maintenance, cleaning and disinfection must be guaranteed.

In the same way, the use of bathrooms located within the facilities must be guaranteed, which must be provided with water, soap and disposable towels and provide a place of isolation for possible health-related emergencies.

“Parish priests are recommended to celebrate several Eucharists on Sundays, no more than 4 celebrations, to enable a larger number of faithful who can have the experience of this sacrament. In parishes that have parochial vicars, the number of celebrations can be expanded, ”the archdiocese indicated.

As long as there is no authorization from the national government, food handling activities are suspended and should be avoided in

gather the stationery or any objects that are passed hand in hand.

Parish services

With this reopening, the parish office will also be enabled, however, whenever possible, the services should preferably be carried out via mail, web pages, WhatsApp, etc.

In the case of face-to-face care, the general biosafety regulations must be taken into account.
