[Fotos] Thieves rob and shoot bus passenger in the Atlantic


The vehicle, with plates SOR 541, is affiliated with the Berlinas company and left the terminal with several passengers last Thursday afternoon. However, reported Zona Cero, when crossing the town of Baranoa (Atlántico), three of the occupants rose from their seats and intimidated the driver and the other occupants with a firearm.

The local media, which cites a report from the authorities, assures that the alleged robbers “forced the driver to stop so that three more criminals could get on.”

In the robbery, the portal said that one of these people fired a firearm “against the roof of the bus”, and that a projectile hit the shoulder of Elkin David Almanza Ramirez, 46, who was taken on the same bus to the Reina Catalina de Baranoa clinic.

Although the information indicates that the projectile “compromised the lung and lodged in the spine”, Blu Radio picked up the report delivered by Dr. Jairo Quiroz, medical director of the clinic, according to which the man remains in an ICU.

“He received a shot that lodged in the chest, it was necessary to intervene urgently and he was taken to the ICU,” explained the doctor, and said that at this time the patient is at “risk of mechanical ventilation.”

Bus thieves in Atlántico were recorded

Colonel Edwin Rojas, Commander (e) of the Atlantic Police, reported on the station that the three assailants arrived at the terminal and pretended to be passengers, and that the wounded man “put up resistance” to the robbery and that was when they fired.

Elkin Almanza was admitted from the emergency room to the clinic at about 7:40 p.m., and the journalist Nando Lozano published a photo of the moment they transferred him on the same bus where they were robbed.

A piece of information that is key to identifying the indicated robbers was delivered by Emisora ​​Atlántico, and it is that the transport company has as a security rule to record the faces of its passengers before starting the trip. Thanks to these images, the other passengers pointed them out as thieves.

The frequency published the image with the faces of the two men and the woman, who managed to flee with cell phones, bags, cash, a computer and other items, and estimates that the theft exceeds 10 million pesos.

Image taken from Emisora ​​Atlántico
Image taken from Emisora ​​Atlántico
