Former President Gaviria questions who gave the order to shoot


Former President César Gaviria, on behalf of the Liberal Party, rejected the acts of violence that have been unleashed in recent days in the country, as a result of the police abuse that ended the life of Javier Ordóñez.

“We condemn the use of violence to react against the outrageous police brutality in recent days that only generates much more violence,” he said.

See also: Woman killed by vandals who stole a bus in Bogotá

Gaviria assured that “in no other country in the world are protesters fired upon with firearms” and that it is an event that Colombia cannot repeat.

“I don’t know who took the dangerous and absurd idea that it should be controlled with military police who carry firearms. I do not know who came up with such a folly that produced that multitude of deaths and injuries, “he said.

Finally, he stressed that these acts make Colombia see as a barbarian country. In addition, he sent a message of solidarity to the families of the victims killed as a result of the protests.
