Former FARC combatant killed with her two-year-old baby in Montecristo, Bolívar – Other Cities – Colombia


The ex-combatant of the disappeared Farc, Rosa Amalia Mendoza Trujillo, along with her two-year-old baby, are part of the five victims of the massacre perpetrated this December 26 in an inhospitable area between the municipalities of Montecristo and Santa Rosa, in the south of the department of Bolívar.

The Minister of National Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo, offered a reward of 40 million pesos for the murderers.

(In context: Eln would be responsible for the massacre of five people in Bolívar)

Rosa Mendoza, who was known in the ranks of the disappeared FARC guerrilla as ‘Karen Palmera’, had been a key piece in the reintegration into civil life of a large number of ex-combatants in the south of Bolívar and Bajo Cauca Antioqueño.

In fact, he had founded the Association of Agrarian and Environmental Housing in southern Bolívar and after the signing of the peace agreement, he had traveled a large part of the country carrying a pacifist and entrepreneurial message to other ex-combatants.

The crime of Rosa Amalia Mendoza Trujillo becomes the number 249 of FARC ex-combatants assassinated since the signing of the peace accords, according to the Institute of Studies for Development and Peace (Indepaz).

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The 25-year-old woman had indigenous origins.

Indepaz points out that during this year, ending December 25, there have been 89 massacres throughout the country, in which 370 people were killed.

A few hours before the massacre in the south of Bolívar, in the municipality of Miranda (Cauca), Manuel Alonso, another former guerrilla fighter, had been assassinated, who had been known as ‘Romel’ or ‘Carmelo’.

Indepaz also maintains that 62 municipalities, in 23 departments, were the scene of massacres: Antioquia, with 21 massacres and 82 people killed; Cauca, with 13 violent attacks that left 53 dead; Nariño suffered 9 massacres and 42 murders, and Bolívar, with three massacres in which 11 people died.

Despite the fact that the massacre was perpetrated on December 25, the authorities were only able to reach the scene of the events one day later.

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Government points to the ELN guerrilla

A commission made up of the National Army, the National Police, and the departmental authorities had already arrived at the scene of the events in the La Honda village in the Villa Uribe district. The bodies will then be transferred to the Regency district.

In the place of the massacre, in addition to the Eln guerrillas, dissidents of the Farc and criminal gangs that profit from drug trafficking, the illegal extraction of minerals and extortion operate.

Historically, the Guillermo Ariza Front of the ELN has moved in the area, which today is commanded by alias Santiago, for whom the authorities offer a reward of up to 50 million pesos for his capture.

They also offer a reward for other leaders of this guerrilla front such as alias Yeimi, el Calvo, Ernesto and Pajarito of up to 20 million pesos.

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John montaño
EL TIEMPO correspondent

On twitter: @PilotodeCometas
