Forceful rejection by Florence Thomas of Alejandro Ordóñez’s opinion on abortion



Florence Thomas has been recognized in the country for being one of the most influential women in the fight for feminism in Colombia. The activist entered the abortion debate that was discussed again on behalf of a new demand that reached the Constitutional Court and that raises the elimination of the crime of abortion in the country.

The issue prompted the Colombian ambassador to the OAS, Alejandro Ordóñez, to publish an opinion column in El Tiempo in which he assures that “In court, a small group of people will continue to decide on the life and death of millions of babies.

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The former prosecutor also said that neither judicial decisions nor plebiscites that may be made may take the life of “the unborn”. In the text, he even quotes the following phrase by the Spanish philosopher and essayist Julián Marías: “The worst of the 20th century is the social acceptance of abortion.”

Ordóñez’s opinion prompted Florence Thomas to write on her Twitter account: “There is no right …. There is no right to publish Alejandro Ordoñez’s article in El Tiempo today. Difficult to read to the end. But what he does not know is that women are not scared by such arguments. Nothing will stop our progress “.


On February 4 of this year, Thomas also wrote an opinion column for El Tiempo in which he recalled that she is an old activist for the legalization of abortion, “and I think the time has come to attend the total decriminalization and remove abortion from the Penal Code, as several countries are doing today ”.

There he explains the importance for a society of decriminalizing abortion: “Decriminalizing goes further, since it is to stop conceiving it as a crime (Penal Code). With decriminalization there is no longer jail, but law. It becomes a public health issue like any other health event. The voluntary interruption of pregnancy becomes an absolute right “.

Ordóñez’s controversial column on abortion

Regarding the work of reviewing the Just Cause demand that the magistrates of the Constitutional Court have, Alejandro Ordóñez cites the Positive Law of Santo Tomás de Aquino, “to defend the weak over the powerful”. According to him, by totally decriminalizing the voluntary irruption of pregnancy, which since 2006 is allowed in three causes, it would be going against what was proposed centuries ago by the theologian.

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“In this strange world of today, that of the culture of death, faith is in our sights and those of us who profess it are to blame for everything, according to the snipers, ”Ordóñez wrote.

Regarding abortion, the former prosecutor said that it is nothing but a formula to combat poverty by those who, according to him, say that “adolescent pregnancy is a factory for the poor in Latin America.”


“It is a macabre contradiction that can be summed up in saying that abortion claims, above all, the rights of families with fewer economic resources. Some international agencies already insinuate it out loud: “Teen pregnancy is a factory for the poor in Latin America,” that is, aborting the children of the most needy is their formula to combat poverty. They forget that when they speak of “poor” they refer to human beings, “he commented.
