Floods in Cartagena due to storm Iota – Other Cities – Colombia


With emergencies generated by floods and stream currents, Cartagena since the morning of this Saturday faces tropical storm Iota. Sectors such as the emblematic Historic Center and Bocagrande have not been saved from the complex situation.

A citywide sweep is underway to establish the magnitude of the damage

“A sweep is being carried out throughout the city to establish the magnitude of the damage caused by the natural phenomenon”, said Mayor William Dau.

(See: Emergency in Antioquia: three dead and at least 12 missing)

The rains began to recur at dawn and are the result of tropical storm Iota, which, according to what was announced by Ideam, will affect the entire Colombian Caribbean during the holiday weekend.

The president assured that 70% of the city is experiencing floods, which led to the declaration of public calamity in the capital of Bolívar. The pronouncement was made at a meeting of the District’s Disaster Risk Management Council.

The measure will facilitate the creation of an adequate plan for the immediate attention of emergencies, with the participation of local, departmental and national authorities, as well as the private sector.

For the moment, the authorities have taken measures to mitigate the impact generated by the floods. One of the first was the adaptation of the Combat Coliseum, which will serve as a shelter for 200 people.

Sanitary measures were also enlisted on the premises, taking into account the constant threat posed by covid-19.

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Emergencies were registered from the morning hours.

Avenida Blas de Lezo on the perimeter of the Convention Center, and the industrial sector of Mamonal, are closed due to the level of currents. The alarms are also on in neighborhoods adjacent to Cerro de La Popa, where there is danger from landslides.

(Interesting: Are you aware of current events in Colombia and the world? Measure yourself in this test)

The Advisory Office for Disaster Risk Management in Cartagena (OAGRD), works jointly with the Red Cross, Civil Defense, National Navy, Police and Firefighters, to offer care to the affected inhabitants, many of whom may be in areas of complex access.

The authorities have not yet managed to make a calculation of the losses, which is already considered high, apparently in images that have been disseminated on social networks.

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