Flights in Colombia: covid-19 test will be mandatory and other measures to travel – Health


The Ministry of Health presented new guidelines in the biosafety protocol for covid-19 in the airport and aeronautical sector, which applies to airports, airlines, transport companies, customs agencies, Civil Aeronautics and passengers.

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Among the highlights, the guideline contemplated in Resolution 1517 of 2020, which repeals 1054, details that only in departments with a covid-19 contagion rate lower than 1,000 per 100,000 inhabitants and whose main access route from other departments be the airway “Before boarding, people over 7 years old will be asked to present the result of the test for the detection of coronavirus, which must be negative, with a validity of no more than 48 hours”, explained Claudia Milena Cuéllar, director (e) of Promotion and Prevention.

The user who does not display the test result or the test is positive will not be able to access the aircraft.

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In that sense, EPS is ordered to authorize these covid-19 detection tests to their affiliates over seven years of age, as long as they present the request attaching the transport contract or equivalent travel document.

If a person tests positive, the cost of the isolation process in the places of travel will be in charge of the travelers, establishes the resolution.

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Cuéllar also indicated that travelers “must abide by all the rules regarding behavior in public spaces issued by the Ministry of Health and local leaders”.

Finally, the regulations emphasize compliance with the use of personal protection elements for those who work in airports and airport terminals and travelers; the use of the CoronaApp – Colombia application on their cell phones or mobile devices, to report symptoms associated with covid-19 and physical isolation inside the terminals.

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